God was elected by whom? See this piece offers nothing, it ignores every scripture from Genesis "I prevented Him from sinning against Me", to the Patriarchs "You meant (THAT EVIL) for evil, God meant (THAT SAME EVIL) for good, same words used.
So it's possible God could have sent Christ, yet they make Him King and not crucify Him? Sorry just so sick of people hating God and His word, and that's what it is. God, weak, "Gee I hope they kill Him, shoot have to send Him again", no Acts tells us God predestined each event in Christ's Crucifixion, I apologize but I just can't handle liberalism anymore, it's not biblical, people think "I don't like a God who decrees all that is", so they butcher Romans 8, 9, John 6, Eph 1, and twist scriptures "All that were appointed to eternal life, believed", not the other way around.
I know the argument, I used to make it, my biggest complaint was the one Paul answered in Romans 9, that it was unfair, but if Armininism was true, it still has the same outcome, God creating the world, KNOWING BILLIONS WILL NEVER HAVE SCRIPTURE, ABLE TO GET IT TO THEM, allow them to go to Hell, so what's the difference? The difference is that we are HELL DESERVING SINNERS, the most basic tenet of Christianity, yet man doesn't really believe it, for if they did they'd say "Why does God save any rebel, I thought He was just", that's the right way of looking at it, not this "We all deserve a chance", we seem to have no problem that the angels got no second chance, one sin, that's it, Hell eternal. If you don't like what God claims of Himself then don't worship Him, but don't call yourself Christian unless you simply don't understand Reformed Theology, which most don't.
God says about Himself. 1. He appoints all Governments, Pagan Nebuchadnezzar knew this! 2. Every minor incident, the roll of the dice, He determines which number comes up 3. What we do "I know oh Lord that a mans ways are NOT HIS OWN, you guide his every step. 4. He controls the tongue "thoughts belong to man, but every word uttered is from the Lord.5. He controls natural disasters, He kills and He makes the poor and the rich, if calamity comes to a city, it has come from the Lord, He does ALL THAT PLEASES HIM, IN HEAVEN, ON EARTH, AND THE DEEP.
To just brush these and the hundreds more where God Himself tells us about Himself, what He does, to ignore that is to not have faith, and to not have faith means not being a Christian. ALL of the Church, except Rome and some cults were Reformed up until the grand 1800's, which gave us German "Higher Criticism", Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Dispensationlism, and FROM German Higher Criticism liberalism of the Church, as Spurgeon called it, the great "Downgrade", liberals would do well to hear his sermons online, his warning to the Church, Isaiah wrote "Lord why have you HARDENED OUR HEARTS so we fear you not", Jesus said in His High Priestly prayer "I pray NOT FOR THE WORLD, but for THOSE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME", if this isn't clear, you don't have the Spirit to give you eyes and ears, I can understand ignorance, but there is so much information online, how about watching Dr. James White debate Arminians? It's very dangerous territory to KNOW THE TRUTH, AND REJECT IT
In another now closed thread, Mr. Davis wrote:
Brother Van,
Yes, I am a one point Calvinist, I believe once a person is saved, they are saved forever, OSAS.
No God did not elect individuals to be redeemed before the foundation of the word. No individuals had been created, only God (in three persons) existed. The WORD was elected to be the Lamb of God, and thus when God choose His Redeemer, in Him He also chose us, those to be redeemed. You would not choose a Redeemer without a plan to redeem, thus He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.
Why could this not be an individual election? First, no individuals existed, they had not been created. Second, scripture says we are chosen for salvation through faith in the truth. Therefore, for us to have faith, we had to exist. Third, God would not choose us individually twice, once before creation, then again during our lifetime. But God would choose us corporately when He created His redemption plan, then individually when He executed that plan. Lastly many verses indicate we were chosen based on our characteristics, thus an individual election during our lifetime (2 Thessalonians 2:13, James 2:5, 1 Corinthians 1:26-30, and 1 Peter 2:9-10. Ask yourself, when did we become a chosen people? After we had "lived" without mercy!