Yet another totally off topic post by Yeshua1, intended to change the subject. Note the ESV and its Calvinistic mistranslations are no where to be found. That is all they have, slander, engage in mind reading and change the subject.
1) When was Jesus known as the Lamb of God, the Christ? Before the foundation of the world, in eternity before creation. Is this the issue? Nope. Do the Calvinists keep asking as if it is? Yep. Its their change the subject ploy.
2) Does the Lord Jesus know who is saved? Is this the issue? Nope. Do the Calvinists keep asking as if it is? Yep. Its their change the subject ploy.
3) Was Jesus the second person of the Trinity before anything that was made was made? Is this the issue? Nope. Do the Calvinists keep asking as if it is? Yep. Its their change the subject ploy.
And what is the object of all these absurd questions? Why to call into question my fundamental beliefs, to undercut the clear message from scripture concerning the meaning of "from (or since) the foundation of the world. This phrase refers to the period from creation to the end of the age. Luke 11:50-51 demonstrates the phrase refers to after creation because it includes the time when Abel and other prophets blood was shed.
Calvinists have no answer so the slander and change the subject and engage in mind reading. For example they hurl the charge, "you [Van] do not understand how scholars operate." Unless they can read minds, which they can not, then they do not know.
To return to topic, the ESV translates the Greek Word "apo" as meaning before at Revelation 13:8. This mistranslation was done on purpose. The old, if you put it in the context of Calvinist doctrine, then while it literally means from or after or since, you can rewrite the meaning of the word to mean before. So the Calvinists assert scripture does not mean what it says once again.