Well-Known Member
I came here simply to read, but Iconoclast made this absolutely false statement.
I have NEVER said Jesus came in sinful flesh. I have said Jesus came in the exact same flesh we have and was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin (Heb 4:15). I have said Jesus took on the nature of the seed of Abraham and was made like unto his brethren (the Jews) in all things (Heb 2:16-18). This is perfectly scriptural.
I have never said Jesus had a sin nature, I do not believe we are born with a sin nature, although I do believe all persons develop a sin nature after they mature and knowingly and willingly choose to sin.
Folks misunderstand because they do not know that our NATURE or lifestyle is learned behavior. If you smoke cigarettes for example, you learned that by observing others, it was not something you automatically do.
As for the debate here, I understand exactly what Skandelon originally meant. He simply said if everything we do is determined, then it is silly for Calvinists to attempt to correct non-Calvinists, as obviously God has determined that non-Calvinists be non-Calvinists. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. It is a perfectly logical argument from Skan.
If Calvinism is true, a Calvinist is actually fighting against God when he attempts to correct a non-Cal, because he is fighting against what God has determined. If the Calvinist claims God has determined he correct the non-Cal, then you have God fighting against himself, as God determined the non-Cal would be a non-Cal. This shows how utterly ridiculous determinism is, but Calvinists are unaware of this.
HoS understands this too. It is folks like Iconoclast and OR who do not understand their own theology. They really don't.
Icon simply parrots what he has been told, he doesn't have a clue. OR is a little more thoughtful, but he is also oblivious to the logical conclusions of his own doctrine. As HoS has said, very few Calvinists really understand their own doctrine. They are completely unaware of this.
You are simply wrong Winman. You and Skan and "all the wanta be logicians" on board really are confused about the Doctrines of Grace.
1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.