All must consider the OP friends, he is making the most critical and important point contained on this forum, heed it.
God's pure Word unadulterated by men's tradition will do wonders for you. Listen intently and force yourself to set aside your indoctrination. It really works and it will work for anyone, that is God's True promise to us in His Word. Men's opinions are not sharper than any two edged sword but His Word is. Men's opinions are full of error, His Word is not. He promises His Spirit would guide us in all Truth, if we are truly seeking His Truth out of a pure heart with no other agendas. Remember, faith comes by hearing the Word of God, not your favorite authors opinions.
Have you ever truly considered why there are so many differences among those whom claim our Lord Jesus Christ?
The point being made is that the "gospel message" since the formation of the Mother (Rome) is NOT the same Gospel Message our Lord delivered Himself, nor the same Gospel Message He Reiterated throughout the New Testament Epistles. All the harlots change Jesus' Message, all of them. Some with prayers, some with sacraments, some with works, some with lip-service, some with infant and young child baptism, some with no baptism at all, some with canon, some with creeds, some with confessions and some with their own scripture. ALL this confusion in the Name of Jesus, really? He is not the author of confusion but of peace.
Bread of Life