The real question is, whether the Holy Bible as we have it in 66 Books, Genesis to Revelation, IS The Word of Almighty God to the human race? IF this is so, and accepted as fact, then it follows, that because it is GODS WORD, then is MUST be the ONLY and FINAL Authority! The Bible does say that ALL SCRIPTURE is God-Breathed, which includes ALL of the Books of the entire Holy Bible, nothing more and nothing less. As Almighty God IS the HIGHEST Authority, then everything that He says IS Infallible and Inerrant, and indeed profitable to ALL, and ALL its Teachings and Commands MUST be True in ALL it says, and must be completely obeyed. If any person doubts that the Holy Bible in its 66 Books is the ultimate Word of Almighty God, and is not the FINAL and ONLY Authority to the human race, then this person cannot be "born-again", and is yet in their sins, as they question the Authority of the very Word of God, and, like Satan said to Adam and Eve, "hath God said?", whereby to question the very nature of God!
"The Bible does say that ALL SCRIPTURE is God-Breathed, which includes ALL of the Books of the entire Holy Bible"
Show bible verse that says "which includes ALL of the Books of the entire Holy Bible".
Because when Timothy is reading that all scripture is God-breathed he would only have had a old testament for a bible. "NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS"
All scripture was not written already when timothy got the message.
"As Almighty God IS the HIGHEST Authority, then everything that He says IS Infallible and Inerrant,"
God's reliability in divine communication is not limited to ink and paper.
The Church is GOD-BREATHED, Jesus breathed on them the holy spirit, The Church is ONE-FLESH with Jesus Christ, Ephesians 5. a claim scripture can never touch.
To say the church has no authority is to say Jesus Christ has no authority. Jesus is one-flesh with the church and he is the head of the church. Jesus Christ RUNS the church.
When Jesus picks a choice of communication, does he choose ink and paper to follow YOUR sense of reliability?
Jesus Christ could have sat down and wrote the entire bible himself, he did not.
I can give you scripture pointing out the INFERIORITY of INK AND PAPER.
2 Corinthians 3
2You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
4Such confidence we have through Christ toward God. 5Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, 6who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
"If any person doubts that the Holy Bible in its 66 Books is the ultimate Word "
The books themselves DOUBT IT.
2 Timothy 3
8Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith. 9But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all, just as Jannes’s and Jambres’s folly was also.
Show me who is Jannes' and Jambres's. NO CHEATING. You may only use the bible as source.
NO googling to find out the Jewish tradition. I know who they are, with SOLA SCRIPTURA, IMPOSSIBLE.
The best example of being wrong with your 66 works is the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
In exodus for example we read ABOUT the Ten commandments and other works expand on the law.
But the TEN Commandments have not earn its place as a truly independent and perfect written work of God.
Just because the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION can be mentioned in its entirety in a magazine doesn't mean the magazine is the constitution itself. It is a written work on its own.
The TEN COMMANDMENTS are not the Ten commandments only because exodus mentions them!
God wrote this down first before one lick of exodus ever was written.
Here is the sad part, You would deny the Ten Commandments unless EXODUS or another work Verifies it for you.
On its own you would question it,
Imagine Page one of your bible is the ten commandments. #1 thou shalt only drink light beer.
Do you have a ten commandments to look at? Its not your scripture at all, Your going to have to look it up in exodus or some other work.
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