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You mean other than Bob?Originally posted by Timtoolman:
Jarthor I would like you tol show me where others have said God picks those by the good in us.
Originally posted by BobRyan:
[QB] The "proof for hate" comes from a very doubtful (read skimpy) rendering (read rending) of the text of Romans 9 rather than noticing the "details".
Rom 9
Here is the thing Bob.
Do not ask me why. Maybe its my Arminian background. I have TONS of verse prove this ....but there is something strange about taking a stand and fighting to prove this. I watched you and johnp go on about this for weeks. I said nothing only reading johnp's and your post. Johnp was kind to you...or i feel he was. There are many many verse to pull from. Yet i'm not as bold as Johnp to just say over and over again..God Hates. There is something not right about that, for i preach Gods love.
Yet i know my Bible very well and i do understand the passages as they are. Just take this one in romans that we have talked about already. I have seen your post many times about.
Lets go with this idea for a few lines.
You think if you say its a nation that somehow makes it better. That in no way makes it better. Now God does not hate a person...he hates a whole people.
You think because they are dead it matters?
God has no time clock. One day is like a 1000 years.
God knew what he would say before he even made man.
If the bible can say God hates in any way shape or form then GOD CAN DO IT
again..TONS of verse...do research yourself. look up words that are close to this word.
If nothing else...we all can say..GOD HATES SIN. right?
Both..humm well i do not see it that way. but it is your viewOriginally posted by Timtoolman:
JA, The post was for all to read, but was address to Bob who holds to salvation + deeds. I can post for you links where bob says this. Also, others do hold to this other than Bob. If you do not, then do not apply this to yourself. Fair?
TIM…..If you are right please Bob speak up or JA you post where. And please do not post receiving a gift as a work. That tired old dog is a sham and dishonest. It is not now, nor ever will be considered a work by the receiver, except by Calvinist to bolster their belief in the teachings of J. Calvin.
5) You now think i will answer with this.."receiving a gift as a work"..and limit me by saying i can not use this. I really had no plans to use this, but still this show bagage you bring in thinking you have heard it all.
I really needed to reread this and see my thoughts ..for i had forgotten the statement. When i wrote this i was not really thinking of any one, but saying it is not right to think this way. My goal was to get the subject of Grace and with this line i was on the path to say what grace is. I start this way for in MY VIEW grace and works ...or good deeds do not mix.
However, it still remains that some do in fact hold to works and or good deeds and or goodness in man in the process of God giving grace, I have ran across many in my life that says this. Maybe you have not.
Having said that I post for you 2 from this forum that suggest this very thing.
I highly respect Andre, but he is one that suggest this....
"I am going to assume that we will agree that God presumably has some basis for choosing Jones and not Smith - the only other alternative solution to this (that is intelligible to us) is that the selection is arbitrary - and this seems wildly counterintuitive (although, to be fair, a possibility).
If the selection is not arbitrary, the basis for selection must indeed have something to do with the individuals involved. I think the key is to understand the very foundational issue about what makes Jones Jones and what makes Smith Smith (if you follow this turn of phrase). It seems to me that even God is forced to see Jones distinctness from Smith specifically in terms of constitutional information about each of them."
this is the link you will find this statement
Bob says....on Romans 2
"Notice the "details".
The "subject" is salvation as we see "in the text". God's "impartial" basis for achieving results "in the judgment" is stated as "judgement according to deeds" rather than pure bias."
you will find this link below....
Bobs list...
"#2. Romans 2 SAYS they are ALL judged based on DEEDS and the RESULT of that impartial judgment is that SOME fail and some succeed.
#3. Romans 3 is IN the GOSPEL CONTEXT of the kindness and goodness of God - and the call to repentance. This means that WITHIN the Gospel scenario there IS impartial JUDGMENT that results in SOME having eternal life and some not."
The full list can be found here..
If in fact they do not teach this, they need only say so. Yet the fact reamins....SOME DO
JA…..Gods sovereign has nothing to do with my views or your views tim. I can only state what is in Gods Word. God is sovereign and can do as he wishes. I have often posted this..."God has so much power he could have made you one hour ago with all the thoughts in your head where you think you lived yesterday and years before." Now did He? i don't think so...but he could have. My point is...sovereign means sovereign. my views will not stop God right or wrong.
TIM….exactly JA and if God has chosen to give man the choice then why would I say He was not sovereign. When we read in the old testament of the many staints who heard God verbally to do something then disobeyed do I stop and say God was not sovereign in that situation. No, I know as God says He can make man, or anything do His will. My pt is because someone believes the scriptures teach man must choose does not mean that person is calling God unsoveriegn.
As stated in my 1st post sovereign is often over looked and not even talked about with many arminian. You can only go by what is in the Bible to proclaim it is of God. Yet if God says he loves green shirts better than blue shirts He has the pure sovereign to say this and act on it. Green Shirts nor blue shirts are covered in the bible, in fact we do not know what shirt God likes best if any. My point is that God can choose to pick a color if he so wishes. Now mercy is covered in the bible and God says he can show mercy to whoever he wishes. That is what i hold too. I have good reason to hold to this for it is stated in the Bible. Is it a person or a nation? No matter, he has the sovereign to have mercy on one nation and one person.
God can also over rule this statement about mercy. He does have that power.
Will he over rule this statement? I do not think so..For God is also unchanging...but I will leave this in his hands to do as he pleases.
Arminian says...NO God shows no partiality based on romans 2. It should be noted that my view is romans 2 is talking about the jews will be judge just as the greeks of romans 3...those with the law..those without the law. Yet if we go with the Arminian view as stated above this does not account for other places like.." I will have mercy on who i will have mercy"
Also...to say God "can not" do this is placing God in a Box. God can, for He is God
JA….i posted verse you read them and tell me. Tim..i have a idea. Post verse on mans freewill. Not Gods will to save all mankind..but mans freewill to come and go to God any time he wises. That would help the debate...and if you claim i have strawman...any verse showing this would slam that strawman to the floor.
Tim…that is a non-answer. A question for a question will get us nowhere. I read your so called problem verses you post for us (at least I think that’s why you post them) and I say amen to them. They provide no problems for my biblical pt of view. So you post an answer with your interptation of what you think total depravity is. And we can go from there.
6) I see no question in my statement
What i posted was only a few verse to show a simple doctrine. I will later this day post more as you have asked. It was not my goal to over load the server with verses, but only to show some. Still having said this..there is no question but rather asking you to share your views rather than call mine a strawman.
JA…Does it mean people cannot understand any spiritual truth? Scripture tells us that all men have the knowledge of God in them.
So faith comes from knowledge? Satan knows of God.
TIM……NO, did I state that or even imply that? I am trying to figure out what you def of total depravity is? I get a different def. from almost every Calvinist. What are you saying it is?
Good..i'm glad you do not think so.
1st..i have shared one time what total depravity is in my 1st post. I will add other thoughts to this later as i said above.
JA……after Adam was sent from the garden? yes.
TIM……????? Wrong! God found them hiding in the garden. AGAIN He spoke and they spoke. Both comprehended each other. Adam and Eve are totally depraved. So it doesn’t mean they didn’t recognize each other either. So what again is total depravity?
Tim, If they are in the Garden God has not past the punishment to them yet. When they are kicked from the garden is after God passes out His Judgement.
you say WRONG!! fine..you disagree
Here is some free will verses.
2 Pet 3:5. For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water,
******willful to do wrong...not come to God
Rom 1:18-19 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.
*******willful to sin...not come to God
Matt 23:27 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!
********Jesus says...NOT WILLING
Deut 30:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; 20that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”
*********choose life? yes...God calls all to choose life.
Sovereignty or free will?…….BOTH.
Originally posted by BobRyan:
Good i'm glad you see that God is in full control...of everthing..even His Love, and mercy and will.IF THESE 3 cases are NOT God "having lost control" then - nothing you have charged about the Love of God - is "losing control"
In Christ,
So..God can do ANYTHING He wants...right?
As stated many times LOVE is only one part of God. I understand it..i hold to it. I also take in account ALL things of God.Originally posted by BobRyan:
Because HE SO LOVED the world - a world that ONLY has LOST UNBELIEVERS as you point out. AND as you point out - HE LOVES ALL not just the elect.
How then do you reconcile this with your holding to Calvinism?
I [/QB]
In Christ...JamesOriginally posted by Timtoolman:
........ And on you 4 pt your models I meant that you used them and apparently adhere to them. Either way they are something that some cavlinist printed up to feel more superior to those who do not adhere to the teachings of cavlin. Like a church calling themselves a Full Gospel Church. It is a way of saying our church use all the gospel and your doesn't. It is a way to put people on the defensive right away. Just like if I made my model...
1.Calvin's false teaching on depravity.
2.Calvin's humanistic veiw on unconditional election.
3.Calvin's teaching on the limtid sovereignty of God and the work of the cross.
Tim, if you only knew. I did not come to this debate to uphold calvinism. I only stoodup for the truth..and never let any side use a verse wrongly. In doing so i was labled a Calvinist. At 1st i didn't like that name, for i never thought of myself in that light. Now after many debates I say fine...call me what you want.
I once posted my points..and it was 30 some points..i think...so if its points that matter i win..for i have more points than you. However..we both know points do not matter. Both models are only outlines for study. You read one..read the verse that support...use it if it applies...throw it out if it does not apply
So on the pt of Adam and Eve they weren't in their fallen state TILL God kick them out of the garden? It wasn't until God passed judgement. They disobeyed but actually not sinned till God past judgement on them. That my friend is TWISTED thinking! It matters not because God already had past judgement when He told them what would happen if they did. Remember, He said they would surely die.
my point. Before the fall..man had freewill...after the fall...his will is bound. I think it happens after judgement. you see it after sin. both ways...the will was bound that day. I'm not going to argue over this one.