More addressing the poster, and running from the poster's position. This is all Calvinism has to offer, false charge after false charge.Van, do you care to actually address the OP? Have you actually read the OP?
Can anyone placed by God into Christ jump ship? Of course not. Does that mean someone could not ponder that thought? Nope. We operate within the confines God allows, thus we have limits to our will. Scripture says once we are actually "born anew" our faith is protected such that we will always love Christ. (See 1 Peter 1:3-5)
And pay no attention to the idea that either we either are unable to have autonomous thoughts, or we can have no limits imposed by God on our autonomous thoughts. Both those false views are silly, the mindless screed of false teachers.
Does the above address loss of salvation by clearly stating those actually saved are saved forever. Does the above address the red herring construct "free will?" You bet. So once again a Calvinist has posted an absurd falsehood and every other posting Calvinist has condoned the practice. Go figure...