Tom Butler
New Member
It seems to me that the statement you quote can be worded as, "Did it ever occur to you that everything is ever occuring to God?"
If your view of God being so immutable then why wouldn't it be the case that everything is always occurring to God? Including sin, rape, murder, child abuse, etc.
How immutable is God in your view? Can he be in relation 'with' His creation instead of only 'to' his creation? Can He create beings to whom He can genuinely respond?
How is the neoplatonic maximal being different than your view of God?
I'm going to tread carefully here because I could easily get in over my head. Contrary to what my children and grandchildren think, I really don't know everything.
I like Chuck Blair's little saying better than the one you suggest. Mainly because I understand the implications related to God's immutability. I'm going to have to think about the implications of yours.
Not only that, brother, but I'm a little intimidated by people who cite the neoplatonic maximal. That's another thing my grandkids think I know about that I don't.