You are still speaking in linear terms about God, as if He is bound to the same timeline that you and I are bound to. He knows the future because he is the future. He is the great "I AM," not the great "I WILL BE." His knowledge is PRESENT not PAST FIXED or FORESEEN FUTURE FIXED, but PRESENT PERFECT in the ETERNAL NOW. Yes, its beyond us, but that's the point. You can't draw hard and fast cause and effect conclusions about such infinite matters, as your system does. We MUST appeal to mystery and move on.
God's knowledge of future is not like our foreseeing what is going to happen, because once we foresee it then it becomes in the past as far as our knowledge of that event goes. So, like our past memories, the future we foresaw is in the past and thus is fixed, and unchanging. How can you presume that is the way God's knowledge works? Because that is what your system is supposing. You are supposing that God's eternal/infinite knowledge of all things is like a man's knowledge of past events and/or his knowledge of foreseen future events, but on what basis do you draw this conclusion? Is God a mere finite being? Can we suppose he is bound by the same constructs that bind us?
You admit His choices must be different than man's choices, yet you seem to think his knowledge of things past, present and future would be like our knowledge of such things. I'm not sure why you would want to limit God in that manner???
It is not about God being bound to the same timeline. It is about the fact that God knowledge is in no way INFERIOR to man's knowledge.
Being God he can see things a lot BETTER than we can, but he certainly does not see them LESS clear than we do.
When God gives his prophets visions and dreams, they see a future that is SET. It cannot be altered. It WILL come to pass. God knows it will and enables them to see that it will. The lion that is Greece will rise. The sheaves which are Joseph's brothers WILL bow. God sees "the end FROM THE BEGINNING."
Now God's knowledge can at least do what the knowledge of his prophets can do. And that is see a future that will most assuredly come to pass.
It seems to me that you are saying that because God's knowledge is different than ours, then it is inferior in some ways T

URS- at least to those myriads prophets whove seen thousands of future events in maticulous detail which are SET, unalterable and cannot BUT come to pass.
Saying God does not see the future like we do is fine. Saying that that means his knowledge does not see the future in AT LEAST as clear a manner as we do is problematic.
God CAN and DOES see it just like we do while also being able to see it from all kinds of other unimaginable ways too great for us to comprehend.
But your perspective seems to take from him the very ability he gives his prophets- the ability to see a completely fixed and unalterable future.