I guess you could say I was using Christianizee when I said Prayer Request, where I specifically meant prayer requesting as in requesting that God do something.
You got to know that I read that as "... I was using chimpanzee..."
Example someone praying that they find a spouse. It either happens or it doesn't. Praises while being a part of prayer (and frankly they should be a much bigger part of prayer then request are but that is an aside) are separate from request which what specifically pointed out. The response I get to praise is Scripure showing more about the Character of God which should always result in more praise. But again it's Scripure that speaks not some thought in my head, or feeling, or impression etc. Scripture and Scripture Alone.
I am thankful that the Scriptures speak to you.
B. B. McKinney wrote over 140 Hymns (some under other names) and many are (were) well know: Rise up, oh men of God, Back to Bethel I must Go, Have Faith in God when your Pathway is Lonely, Speak to my Heart, Lord Jesus (one of my favorite to pray in song )
I do not recall a lyric he wrote that he could not find in the Scriptures.
God speaks through His Word, His Spirit Illuminates His Word. It all comes back to His Word since they are sufficient.
I don't know of any poster who would disagree.
What seems to be the sticking point, is the trend to "only" that appears back a few pages on the thread.
What I am attempting to discern is if you and some others are still placing "Sola Scriptura" as the "only" way God communicates.
If that is true, then that has extended the definition (as I showed back a few pages) and is inconsistent with the intent of the Reformers.
I have spent time looking for some indication of the "only" being included, and just can't find any documentation of the Reformers having that understanding.
Please, do not assume that I place anything above the authority of Scriptures.
However, prayer is not telling God what God already has told the believer. I have heard many go on and on saying such things as, "In Your Word You say..." or "I read from Your Word..." or even sermonizing a prayer as if God is interested!
God already knows what He said, and He doesn't need to bless it more that what the Holy Spirit already does. Such prayer is mere wordiness.
Prayer is that communication between believer and God, to take place primarily in the privacy of one on one, in which the believer's heart can cry out, and God can communicate as He chooses. Certainly, the communication may be His Scriptures; and it may also be: His peace, His love, His understanding, His soft whisper, .... It is His authority to communicate with His creation (and especially those who are heirs) as He chooses. If we are to wrestle against the things unseen, it is important to hear and understand so to not run off at the wrong trumpet blast.
If the believer expects answers to prayer, they need to discern who is giving the answer. To do that, the believer must be well acquainted with not only the Scriptures but the impulses of the Holy Spirit as distinguished from the urging of the enemy of believers. That takes maturity of both understanding and wisdom in Scriptures and communication skills. The practiced challenge to weed out that which ultimately is ungodly and anti-christ.
You mentioned on a post how you stood against the forceful onslaught of the modern charisma. (imo) The charismatic fluff is not merely misguided, but is more often demonically empowered by folks that have listened to an evil spirit and considered it good. They have never truly grown up in discerning.