In a nutshell,
Calvinism teaches humanity was saved or damned from all eternity for all eternity and there is nothing we can do to alter that outcome for ourselves or our loved ones.
This utter corruption of the good news cannot stand the light of day...
It's been my understanding that the MAIN reason for writing the Book of Hebrews was to encourage & edify the Jewish-background Christians in their struggles with the Jewish legalists who proclaimed that since the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed (This occurred in AD 70.), all rights & all privileges thereto, were now controlled completely by the OT Jewish Priesthood. Since that priesthood had already killed Jesus Christ, these Jewish-born Christians rightly assumed that they would next on the Priesthood's death list. Stephen was killed by them (Acts 6:5-8), so they rightly assumed that some, if not all, would be next on the Priesthood's list. OTOH, the writer of Hebrews goes back to the OT times to show them that by faith, they too could defeat certain death by being & doing what these OT saints did--By FAITH (Hebrews Ch. 11). The salvation of these OT was secure, and so would these NT era saints. IMHO, it wasn't so much these NT era Jewish-background's eternal destiny that was in question, but rather their day-to-day living (i.e., their SANCTIFICATION) that was, like Stephen's) being put to the test by these NT Priesthood advocates. IMHO, in fact, was the primary reason(s) for the remainder of the NT's books (James through to and including Revelation). While Revelation itself is a picture of how the NT Priesthood (Empowered by Satan himself) continually attempted to destroy these NT Jewish-background Christians (& to some extent seemingly did [As in the case of the Laodiceans in Rev. 3:14-18 ff]), In Rev. 12:10-11, these very same NT Jewish-background Christians DID overcome their foes!