Here's a little lesson in legalism...
NO I'M NOT IN THE SAME PLACE RD IS...see your ignorance right
He is estranged from his daughter by choice because of legalism...I have a wonderful relationship with my son and his wife because of GRACE...I'm happy RD is not. I trust my God who took care of me to do the same for my boy.
The entire Bible is based upon God's legal authority to judge, send folks to hell, save sinners, and, quite frankly, do whatever He so chooses to do, as this is his creation. A creation that far exceeds any place that the human eye can see.
To begin with, in Romans 6:16, (NKJV) - "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves a slave to obey, you are that ones slave whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?" is the verse that shows the legality of Satan's hold over man? When Adam's sold out to the devil, he forfeited his "legal" right to eternal life and a relationship with God.
It was there, in Eden that Satan took legal authority of man with a sin nature.
Since Satan was now the legitimate possessor of Adam [who was now his sin slave] and the legal ruler of earth, God had no moral or no legal right,
under HIS code of justice or jurisprudence, to simply step in and "annul" what Adam had done.
This kind of reminds me of the thoughts at Calvary, when Christ could've called down ten thousand, angels and ended his suffering. God could've scrapped everything; annulled the acts of Adam and the devils stepping in and taking over with a legal claim to mankind. However, just like Jesus didn't call down angels, God decided to stick with a legal course of action. A course of action that forever and legally, won back man's right to either come to Jesus or remain with the devil.
The original sin by Adam started the legal process and fight between God and the devil in who had the legal right and claim over mankind.
God had to come up with a legal way to win back mankind. A way to legally wrestle the keys of life, death and hell away from Satan and put it back in the hands of God.
He did this with His plan to send His Son, by way of a virgin. Once His Son was in place, Jesus had to live a life without sin [another LEGAL prerequisite for Salvation to take hold], and when He died on the cross, Satan killed a completely innocent man. A man who was not born of a human, yet conceived by the Holy Spuirit. A bonafide man, with Holy linage, and since Jesus never partook of sin, when he died, Satan took the life of an individual whom he actually had no legal claim to kill.
This allowed Jesus to conquer sin [which He took upon Himself on the cross], death and legally; He could now take back from Satan, the keys of death and hell.
And the legality of winning back the right for man to once again have fellowship with God the Father/Creator, was but one legal battle won in the heavens to bring us salvation.
You seem to like reading books, may I suggest you read "Destine for the Throne" especially pages 71-81, and you will see how LEGALITY played the most important part in salvation.
Then look closely at 1 John [all chapters], where we find such as legalese as propitiation, advocate and commandments. These are all legal terms. Then we have things like "covenant, promise, adoption, redeemed, freewill, judgement and law," mentioned throughout the Bible.
These are all legal terms, used in relation to mankind's fall from grace, and God's plan for redemption of mankind from sin.
If it weren't for a tightly planned legal strategy to rescue and save us, we'd still have no hope of being reunited with the Father.
Since God created us with a freewill, and man used that freewill to stray from God, God had to devise [even before He created us] a plan that would not be able to be challenged by the devil, to be legally win us back.
You may not like the legality of those who you claim are caught up in legalism, but the truth is, the Word of God is one large book of legal strategy to legally take back from Satan's death and save us from hell.
Here's one more, short, article that demonstrates God's legal finagling to legally have the right to take those - who no longer want to serve the devil and sin as his slaves - back for eternity.
I see the entire Bible as one fantastic legal document. A document that records the birth and linage of royalty [recording is another legal act] leading to birth of Christ; and all the other forms of jurisprudence that I briefly laid out for you above.
In fact, we went from ten basic laws in the OT, to two new laws [a combination of the ten] in the NT. Again, we can't get around the leglism of the terminology "laws."
So, you see, I have no problem with legalism. If it was good enough for God and His strategy to win us freedom from sin, and eternity with Him, let legalism rule the day.