As usual, the Church misses the point. When all they ever hear from the Church is "you're an abomination---not the sin, but you", or that "you're the worst of the worst", you don't have to hold up a sign. The association is made.
The only difference between what a lot of the Church does and what Fred Phelps and family do is that the Phelps group holds up signs.
Zaac, I am not the church... lower case. The true Church ... upper case... is His Church.
You seem to be leaving out of your posts are the roles of INDIVIDUALS and their conduct with other individuals who are/are not members of the true Church.
A mightly broad paintbrush you are wielding with terms such as the church, the Church and the masses.
When a pastor steps into the pulpit all who are gathered hear his sermon. Yet, isn't it true that every word he speaks is directed towards each individual, separately, regardless of how many sit in front of him?
If his sermon, for example, is based on the thief on the cross, his words are to be heard individually. For those already in the body of Christ, his sermon is simply an affirmation of what they already believe. Today you will be with me in Paradise. For those, in Christ, who have drifted away, his words can evoke a revival of hearing the whisper of the Holy Spirit in their heart. For the backslidden, his words can bring about remorse. And, for the lost, his words can, once again offer hope that the Holy Spirit can turn into conviction.
One pastor. One sermon. Individual and differing responses.
Condemnation of the "church", as a whole, does not take into consideration all of the variables associated with both individual assemblies of believers and unique & separate individuals within the church, the Church.
FWIW..... IMO....
** Using the term "church" in this manner evokes thoughts of "collective salvation" that's often promoted as the only way to heaven.
** Using the term "church" in this manner is just as detrimental to the unbeliever as those signs posted earlier. Why should any unbeliever accept anything condemed by the very persons who are urging them to become a part of what is being condemed?
How can I go to my lost neighbor or the fellow I meet in the hardware store and ask him to come to my church? Ask him to come to continue to hear the message of salvation? Ask him to come and join us in fellowship? When I condem my church and these people know that I have done so.
Brother, it's a fine line that we walk. Whether we are laymen, deacons, elders, pastors, SS teachers, or keeping the nursery. I don't know about anyone else, so can only speak for myself. In my zeal to make my point, I try to keep that line in view. No. I'm not always successful. First one to admit that much to my sorrow. :tear: That does not mean that it does not exist.
Blame some individuals and some named churches - yes judge some. You will know them by their fruit.
Blame the church, the Church as a whole