Plenty Menno. And when they do wrong its THEIR FAULT rather then GOD's fault.
Correct. All humans do wrong. All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.
God does not want you to sin. So you will never sin again right?
God is not pleased when we sin. He could stop us immediately. Since God chooses not to stop humanity from being rebellious we will sin. There will come a day when sin will not be tolerated. Do you prefer God no longer display patience?
Or is God too stupid and powerless to get what he wants?
God is accomplishing exactly what He wants. He wants to patiently wait until all persons found in the Lambs book of Life are marked as being saved. When that last person has been accounted for, God's patience with sin will end.
Why don't you stop sinning? You blame God. Because he has not provided you with this or that.
I sin because I am a rebel by birth. I desperately need God's grace and pardon in Christ. Praise God for His grace, which He chooses to give solely because he chooses to give it to me.
The reason you don't stop sinning Menno, is YOU DON'T WANT TO STOP.
No kidding! I admit openly that I am a wicked sinner who deserves God's damnation. In my own self my rightful punishment is hell for eternity!
My sinful nature loves breaking God's law and attempting to usurp his authority. If not for God's grace in making me alive in Christ, I would be doomed. It is only by grace, in Christ, that I stand uncondemned. Read Romans 7, 8 and 9 if this is a foreign concept for you.
You have nothing but excuses, excuses and excuses. Here's a novel idea, REPENT and take responsibility, Tell God you are in the wrong because it its ONLY your fault.
I make no excuse. I am guilty as charged. Your condemnation is right about me. If not for God's grace and reconciliation I would justly be damned to hell.
Not no "sin nature" , not no ordained permissive license to sin, You sin and you NEVER ADMIT it is YOUR FAULT. You think you are greater then GOD, That YOU never sin, You always blame GOD for your mess.
I openly confess that I am a wicked sinner who cannot claim one good thing about myself. My wickedness and corruption oozes through every pore of my being. I have nothing to offer God that isn't a filthy rag. I blame my own self and no one else.
I praise God that there is now, therefore, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
If I am not in Christ, I am condemned. If I am in Christ, I am not condemned.
Do you dare to tell me if I am found in Christ or not found in Christ?
God is never blamed. God is forever praised for extending me mercy and grace in Christ Jesus.
Pull out a cigar and have a smoke with me and Spurgeon. God is good!