Harold Garvey
New Member
maybe the church had an unfounded principle in "excommunicating" people, I thought that was a practice of the RCC anyway?I think it points to the emphasis of the SBC today which is not the same as it once was. If one goes back in time and takes a look at the kind of men who were in leadership then he would find men who were not only sound theologically but whom others recognized as godly men and supported them. If one takes a look at what the SBC did in terms of church planting, etc, in the past it was astounding.
It was not too long ago that the church took a stance against "investing" in the stock market. A few days ago I read some older documents which cited being involved in the stock market as a just reason for excommunicating someone. Now we have entire church organiozations involved in the stock market.
When I see churches involved in investing and making money it cause me to think about what lies ahead and it is seldom more ministry but a death or troubles ahead.
Are you one of these gloom and doom preachers?