Where does Scripture say that not all men are drawn to Christ? Well you could try John 1:11 or John 3:19 to name but two.Where does scripture say that? You can't possibly mean that this scripture is wrong. JN. 12:32
I think you'll find it is.It isn't myself who has the problem with definitions of words.
I wonder if you can show me where I used the word 'drag'? There is no violence in God's drawing. 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you' (Jeremiah 31:3). God does not draw people against their wills; He gives them a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26) so that they freely come to Him. 'Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power' (Psalm 110:3).Is a moth dragged to a flame?. No!. The moth comes to it on his won free will because of his fascination or attraction to the flame. No force is applied yet he is still drawn. You see it as a dragging, I see it as an attraction.
So you believe that every single person is drawn to Christ. May I suggest that you do some door to door evangelism and let me know how it goes?Just because all moths do not come to the flame doesn't not mean they were not drawn.
I'm not quite sure how to parse this sentence, but if you want examples of where 'all men' does not mean 'every single person' may I refer you to thatbrian's post #12? He gives 17 examples of just that.If you would drop your preconceived notions and study it closely you might understand what Scripture is saying. Not to mention you first need to prove that "all men" does not mean "all men" are inclusive .
Now then: how shall we reconcile John 6:44 with John 12:32? It's very simple. The Jews believed that only Jews could be saved. The context of John 12:32 is the Greeks coming to Philip (the apostle with the Greek name) and asking to see the Lord Jesus. His answer is that after His crucifixion He will draw 'all men'-- Gentiles as well as Jews-- to Himself. He does not mean every single person, but all kinds of people. 'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'
And I love you too.Obvious to me is the fact that Calvinist suffer from their own preconceived notions of what scripture actually says. Calvinism is not a doctrine but a philosophy of how to make scripture say what they want it to say in order to match their doctrines. They ignore identifying phrases in a verse and always challenge the meaning of words like "all" and "world" because they obviously do not match what they want to believe. It's pitiful to take God's Word apart the way that they do.