This assumes that that promise made to Israel (peace and safety for obedience) transfers to America, and it forgets all the other people and nations that did evil and still prospered, and that did good and suffered (including NT saints).
No it doesn't. That's just YOUR assumption. :laugh: The promise made to Israel was with Israel. But you guys act as if there is no precedent for the PRINCIPLES of God's word to be transferable to all.
The Ten Commandments were also given to Israel. Do we ignore that we, like Israel, are called to keep those commandments?
The word of God is ALIVE. It did not die after the events took place. As NONE of the stuff in the Bible happened to us, we MUST look at the principles of what took place and the application to our everyday existence or otherwise, it serves no purpose to even have the word.
So it suggests God is working this particular covenant exclusively with America now, and it apparently supersedes the Gospel, which established that none did good, and all sinned and deserved death.
What it suggests is that George Washington and those who founded the country profoundly understood Scripture and what the possibilities were for the nation that dedicated itself to keeping GOD first in the manner in which God had intended for Israel to do.
And on April 30, 1789 after his inauguration in New York City, the nation's THEN capital , George Washington addressed the first joint session of Congress and committed in prayer the United States of America's future to GOD.
The nation's leader consecrated the US unto the Lord just as King Solomon had done with Israel.
And where did this take place? In ST. Paul's Chapel right across from what is Ground Zero. And the actual land of Ground Zero is part of a field that used to belong to St. Paul's.
Yes, the modern day Assyrians attacked the United States in the same place in which George Washington consecrated her unto God. Coincidence? Nope.
The Assyrians struck the Temple Mount of Israel in King Solomon's day the exact same way. The Temple and the nation of Israel were dedicated to God by King Solomon. It was the place of Israel's national consecration just as ST. Paul's Chapel/Ground Zero was the place of the United States national consecration.
And as with Israel, the striking of the place in which the nation was consecrated is a sign that God has removed His hand of protection and allowed judgment to begin.
And one by one, and using the exact same words that the Israelites did after the Temple Mount was destroyed, America and her leaders are doing and saying THE EXACT SAME THINGS in defiance to God.
That our "prosperity" was a reward for obedience is also highly questionable,
Why unless you question the precedence of God's word of what He does when a nation is consecrated unto Him.
unless one takes the position (which I've seen promoted here from time to time) that the victims of colonialism and slavery were being punished for their paganism with the "chosen" people given the spoils —again, like Israel and the Cannanites of old. (And Jews weren't looked on favorably either in those times). So that would shatter the whole premise.
You're talking apples and oranges now as NONE of that brought about modern day Assyrians destroying the spot of the nation's consecration.
The nation deserved judgment all along (we don't get to decide which sins God judges or excuses as not sin), just as every other nation did, and just as Romans 3 teaches
Again, apples and oranges. The nation has never so fully turned away from God. And the nations place of consecration has never before been struck by "outsiders".
So I'm surprised at him for spouting this virtually 'reconstructionist' (minus the political activism) message. He always seemed to have a much better handle on scripture than that. Again, it's like Camping and those others, but without a definite date. (So it will never be totally falsified; it can always be said that this "judgment" is simply being delayed more).
Looking at the principles of Scripture being transferable and applicable to ALL, the United States is doing EXACTLY what Israel did when the Temple Mount was destroyed. And unless we turn back to God, the end result will be the same.