That makes no sense as Christ committed no crime and thus was not deserving of a death penalty.
False....Christ "
BECAME" sin for us....and that deserved death. In the sense that the Father counted it....Jesus did indeed deserve "death". I am not (as a non-Calvinist) utterly wed to
all of the precepts of the Penal Substitution theory of atonement as they tend to be....But there is MUCH about it which is true indeed. And one facet of that is that God was punishing sin...REAL SIN....when he crucified his own Son. Christ "Became" sin...and God rightly punished it
He has not ceded the right to make such a final judgment to man.
The Scriptures defy you, and in absolutely NO uncertain terms: I quote the Scripture:
Gen 9:5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
Gen 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
That is the Word of God and you may despise it at your pleasure...but that is PRECISELY what it says....You will note that this has NOTHING, ZILCH,
NIL NADA to do with Levitical Law, but is an
eternal precept stated after the flood LOOOOOONGG before the Levitical legal system was in view. That's inescapable.
The trick used is to pretend that ANYTHING in the Old Testament is under the banner of Levitical Law...That's false and deceitful upon it's face.
The world according to God's Holy Word existed for at least 2,000 years prior to the Noahician deluge, and there was no such thing as a "JEW". The first 5 chapters of Genesis (if anyone cares about what the Bible says) tells us about what is fully
ONE-THIRD of all human history...
33% There was no such thing as a "JEW"...until centuries AFTER the Noahic covenant either until Abram's calling. The Potempkin argument of equivocating anything in the OLD Testament to Levitical Law is a deceitful Zeitgeist. The Death Penalty doesn't rest upon Levitical Ordinance....It rests upon eternal absolute judicial decree.
The murder of Abel by Cain speaks to this issue CLEARLY!!!! Cain made the (obvious) assumption that as a murderer, he was subject to death by any who would avenge Abel.....
However, God decided to grant to Cain a special "mark" to prevent such a reprisal. God did NOT say or suggest that Cain should not fear that, or that death was not a fair penalty for murder, but rather that he had a special purpose which he NEEDED to specify by a special "mark" to protect him.
The Scripture is CLEARLY in favour of the Death Penalty. Like it or lump it.