Sure he does...from other Scriptures.
God's word is not understood in bits and pieces like "verses" is a continuous book of letters written like a one-sided conversation; Some in narrative, some in direct letters to groups of believers.
The reason we understand the "all" to mean "all kinds of men" is because there are too many contradictions if many of the places that state "all men" actually means, "each and every man woman and child who ever lived".
We find the vital parts of this in places like the prophets and especially Revelation 5:9 and Revelation 7:9.
The same with the word, "world".
If God so loved the world, means that God loves every man, woman and child equally, then you better tell the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah that God loved them while raining fire and brimstone down on them.
While you're at it, you may wish to tell the millions who drowned in the Flood that God loved them, all the while killing them and preserving Noah and his family on the ark.![]()
"For God loved the world" is the most difficult passage of the Bible for the followers of a human theologian.
Personally I have no problem with God's universal love of mankind though for the benefit of the elect the lost are doomed and/or destroyed.
Also then by that token what do you say to those Christians over the centuries that were eaten by lions, burned at the stake and suffered torture and death when at any moment in time God in His love could have delivered them and their children.
Would you do this to your children?