Thanks for your reply.Whether or not anyone else believes a saved person can lose their salvation, I cannot answer, as I do not know what everyone believes here. No doubt those who do not hold to "once saved always saved", will believe this. My post is not dealing with the "eternal security" of believers. As to you other question. "Universal Atonement" does not mean "Universal Salvation", that all will be saved. Nor does it mean that "all have been saved". I believe that the death of Jesus Christ provides the Atonement for the repentant sinner, who comes to Jesus in faith for his salvation through His finished work on the cross. How can the "whole human race" be saved, when we know that the greater majority will perish and end up in hell? Further, no person can ever be saved without their acknowledgement of their sins, their need to repent of their sinful life, and accept what Jesus Christ has done on the cross for them.
I was not asking about 'eternal security.' In my first question I asked, are you under the impression that there are some on this board who believe that there are some who will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and yet will nonetheless perish? John 3:16 states that 'God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.' I don't know of anyone who disagrees with that statement; I was wondering if you did.
My second question was about John 3:17. If God sent His Son into the world that the world through Him might be saved, and the world means 'the whole human race,' how come the whole human race is not saved? You replied,
Fair enough, but in that case, 'world' in John 3:17 does not mean 'the whole human race,' does it?"Universal Atonement" does not mean "Universal Salvation", that all will be saved. Nor does it mean that "all have been saved"