Now you're putting words in my mouth I never said. But it does say God hates.
You have this creampuff, pie-in-the-sky Being who just loves, loves, loves. You're no better than the accuser in Romans 9:20 and those who make God into their own image in Romans 1:23.
SovereignGrace, you know my posting better then that to make such a claim of me. It is totally unwarranted and inappropriate.
God is love. He is not the opposite, nor can He be considered as displaying attributes of the fallen nature. The Scriptures use fallen attributes as a way of addressing in human terms a condition or comparison.
Throughout Scriptures, the attribute of the love of God is far beyond human kind. God does not condition His attributes according to situation, station, or by some fallen nature as do humankind.
Through such passages, the words are consistently used as comparison of value, not to be confused with the thinking of complete rejection and nothing to do with hate and despise that human emotions generate As ones who are fallen.
Corinthians thirteen must be rejected if the hate some assign to God is true.
Not a single judgment of God was not conditioned upon His love and His will, be it the cross or the lake of fire.
One further example, the psalms (85) record God as angry, yet in terms of lovingkindness. As a parent, you understand in part what God is in full.
The lovingkindness of God is on full display in eternity as He reveals where the redeemed and the heathen have a place prepared for them. But just be assured, not everyone will be happy. The fallen are never happy with God.