Who said anything about a pedestal. I just said, from what I know about MacArthur, and it is a lot, your accusation is unfounded.
David, I have known John MacArthur since he started his radio program. I have noted pride in his heart for decades. I also note pride in my own heart. When people call it out, or I recognize it, I repent. John MacArthur has room to repent on this discussion about Beth Moore.
I was at Moody Bible Institute in the early 90s and was talking with a professor who was Jewish, yet a Christian. The conversation turned to John MacArthur and his anti-Semitism. MacArthur had been on the board of trustees at that time. The professor confirmed that, at that time, John MacArthur was anti-Semitic. MacArthur may have changed. That was nearly 30 years ago.
I also attended the same fellowship as Todd Friel, when he was just starting out in radio. At that time he had a very prideful heart and a focus on promoting himself. The audio shows that he still struggles with this pride.
These are my observations from years of experience. My observations are founded in years of watching and listening to these gentlemen.
We Christians are sinners. We sin. We say and act in sinful ways. When we do, we are graciously called to repentance and confession. I would call John MacArthur and Todd Friel to confess sin and repent on this issue. Feel free to disagree. But, please don't imagine you have a higher position on this issue. You are stating your opinion. I accept your opinion as your opinion.