The Book of Jonah is one of the greatest accounts of God's Mercy to a very sinful and wicked people, which shows beyond any doubt the wideness of God's Love and Mercy and Forgiveness, that is NOT limited to the "elect" as some distort to be the case. No "Calvinist" can ever explain the Mercy and Salvation of God to the people Nineveh, who were noted for the cruelty in the way they treated the Jews, and the main reason why Jonah did not want to give them the Gospel Message. Even Jonah's running away on the ship was used by God to save the sailors, who no doubt accepted the Lord (1:16). In chapter 3 we read of the people of Nineveh responding to the message from God, that they ALL should repent and turn from their evil ways, and hope on the Mercy of the Lord. Who responded by saving them. God tells Jonah, "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock" (4:11). Some have suggested that the total number in this city was about 600,000. Can any honest person say that ALL those saved, were only the "elect"? Surely this is one of the greatest PROOFS of the Great Love that our Great God has towards the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE, and shows that the teaching of Christ only dying for an "elect" few, is TOTALLY unbiblical. Also note in 3:10, "and God saw their WORKS", but not "works" to earn salvation, but as the text goes on to say, "that they TURNED from their evil way". Repentance is indeed something that we must DO, as we turn from our sins to the Living God for His salvation. So FAITH and WORKS is clearly in the Bible for salvation! ONLY the hard-line Calvinist, who is more interested in his "theology", and less in what the Bible actually teaches, will find some excuse to dismiss this mission story in Jonah, where God saves ALL who will truly repent and turn to Him for salvation. Praise His Great Name!!!