:laugh: You are really squirming now! It is I who claims a person needs more and more justification??? Everyone knows my position on this subject - OSAS -
Sadly for your self-conflicted posts - it is you - not me that insists this is all about "Seeking justification AFTER one is saved" but seeking it either apart from works - or with works. As if "seeking justification" in the context of "lost seeking to be saved" is the work of those already saved.
This thread has nothing to do with a "lost" person needing to obey the Law for justification, nice try.
We are speaking about a "saved" person needing to obey the Law to "stay" justified before God.
That self-conflicted idea was not my idea - it was yours. That is why I am glad you came right out and said it so we can deal with that.
As for the doctrine of James 2 "you see then that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone" (which I assume you are also at war with) -- may I remind you -
When the lost person comes to Christ -- there is no Romans 2 message to "persevere" in staying on their lost course.
When the lost person comes to Christ - no Matt 10 message "take up your cross and follow Me".
When the lost person comes to Christ - no John 14:15 message "IF you Love Me - KEEP my Commandments".
All that is only for the SAVED person.
Steaver - your Hebrews 5 system is stuck "circling back" to the case of the lost EVEN after one comes to Christ - you seek "Justification" again - you want to come into the "Saved by Grace through faith" door open to the lost - to get back into the foyer once again.
But Paul says in Hebrews 6 that for the saved saint there is no need to continually circle back to the condition of the lost seeking to come to God - as a lost unsaved, unregenerate wicked person who seeks only to "l
ay again the elementary teaching about the Christ... repentance from dead works and faith toward God"
You have been sold a bill of goods to think that being stuck at the entrance to the Gospel is all God has asked of the saints. It leads you to slice off 1Cor 9:23-28, Matt 10 "
take up your CROSS and follow Me... he who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me".
Christ said to the formerly saved saint '
I FORGAVE you ALL of that debt" Matt 18 - and then he returns it all -- all the forgiven debt BACK to the now fallen saint. Why? Notice that God is not speaking to the one NOT Forgiven. He does not ask those NOT forgiven the nonsensical command to "forgive others just as
you have not been forgiven by Me". Nor does He say to the lost "Do NOT forgive others just as you have NOT been forgiven by ME".
Thus He only asks the SAVED and forgiven to "Forgive others just AS I forgave you ALL that debt". Only those who have THEMSELVES experience in real life - the FULL forgiveness of sin and acceptance with God.
in Christ,