Well idk Bib, sounds very complicated, confusing and unnecessary to me. When it comes to salvation, I believe that if a fifth grader cannot understand it, then it is not the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine giving this lesson you posted here to a fifth grader?? You would probably get a lot of these stares
God speed though if it works for you and your students. Way to complex for me to bother with. :love2:
Let's see what is so hard and difficult to understand???
1. Is it too difficult to grasp that your body was not born again? Is that too difficult to see it was not your body that was born again but it is your "spirit" (Jn. 3:6)? Is John 3:6 too difficult for you to understand?
2. Is it too difficult for you to understand that the new birth is the past tense "saved" aspect of salvation?
3. Is it too difficult for you to understand that the glorification of your body is the removal of the principle of corruption and indwelling law of sin?
4. Is it too difficult for you to understand that the removal of the principle of corruption due to indwelling sin is the future tense aspect of salvation "shall be saved" = glorification????
5. So is past tense versus future tense too difficult for you to grasp?
6. Now let's move on to the only other possible aspect of salvation other than past and future tense! What would that be? Present tense? Yes. Does the tenses confuse you?
7. Now, if it is your "spirit" that has been past tense saved born again and it is your body that shall be saved glorified does not that leave only present progressive sanctification of something? other than your spirit or body being presently saved???
8. Now, let's look at your "soul." Is it too difficult to see that scriptures clearly distinguish between your "soul" and your spirit and body? Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Look at Hebrews 4:12! If the word of God can distinguish between things in the matieral aspect of your nature as in bone versus marrow, thus not being the same, then its distinction between your spirit versus your soul in your immaterial nature is equally as valid is it not or is that too confusing for you?
9. Let us take a closer look at the soul. Is it confusing that the same term is translated both "soul" and "life"? Is it too confusing to see that your "life" is simply the consequential expression of the inward activity of your mind, emotions and will? For example, is it too hard to grasp that all words and actions which give a visible representsation of this inward activity are but its expressions or works? For example are your words and actions visible evidence of your inward thoughts and feelings?
10. Is it too difficult to grasp tphat if you set your mind and affections on things above, on God's Word then your words and actions resulting from that will visibly reflect that kind of thinking and feeling = good woks? Is that too hard to grasp (James 3:14-16)???
11. Is it too difficult to grasp that if you set your mind and affections on things beneath then your words and actions will reflect that in evil works (James 3:17-18)???????
12. Is it too difficult to grasp that the TIME spent thinking, feeling, expressed in saying and doing evil (bad works), is time WASTED for the glory of God and thus LOST for His cause and invalid for rewards and practically affect your fellowship with God during that time??????
13. Is it too difficult to grasp that the TIME spent thinking, feeling, expressed in saying and doing the will of God (good works) is time made to count for God's glory and SAVED in the form of rewards for good works??????
14. It is too difficult to distinguish between the faculties of the soul (thinking, feeling, willing) or YOUR INWARD CONSCIOUS SELF and their visible expressed consequences in words and actions perfomed by your body and thus visible expressed as YOUR OUTWARD LIFE seen by men and God????? Is it too difficult to see that the soul is saved but the expressions manifested and carried out in TIME and SPACE by words and actions can be LOST or SAVED (1 Cor. 3:11-15)??????
These things are the abc's of understanding the basics of progressive sanctification and your extent of spiritual growth will be dependent upon learning them better and better.