You still haven’t shared where I can find an inerrant, infallible and inspired Bible today? The originals don’t exist or we don’t certainly have them. So where has God preserved His words for us today?
Although the original autographs are not known to exist on earth, the preserved Scriptures in the original language still exist in the multiple manuscripts and in printed editions. I believe God is just as faithful to preserve His words today as He was before 1611.
The KJV was based on multiple, varying original-language editions of the Scriptures so why can't the Scriptures be in multiple varying original-language editions as it was before 1611? I have reprint editions of some of the printed original-language texts on which the KJV is said to be based. Would KJV-only advocates suggest that those editions are not the word of God so that the KJV was not translated from the word of God? Do the Scriptures actually teach that each believer has to have a complete, every-word perfect edition of all the Scriptures in one volume?
Do you ignore how that new believers in the book of Acts are said to have received the word of God even though they did not have an complete, every-word, inerrant scroll or copy of the entire Scriptures [all the New Testament had not yet been given and written]? It would have likely taken months for the multiple scrolls to be copied that would be needed to contain the entire Old Testament in the original languages.
While having all the Scriptures in one printed volume has not been demonstrated to be essential, there are some printed one volume editions with both the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. One example would be T
he Interlinear Bible edited by Jay Green, and it also includes an English translation.
It is KJV-only reasoning that seems to suggest that God failed to preserve some of His exact, specific words given by inspiration to the prophets and apostles so that they supposedly had to be restored from imperfect Latin translations or other language translations or regiven in 1611.