You continue to be disingenuous, sir.
I don't see him as being disingenuous at all, Austin.
I see him being very sincere in his beliefs and understanding of what he sees in the Scriptures.
He thinks I am wrong, and I, in turn, believe him to be in error.
To me there's nothing at all insincere ( disingenuous ) about anything that he has stated.
In addition, I was taught that position from the age of 12 in Independent Baptist churches after I first heard the word of God in 1978...
I am very familiar with the doctrines taught, and the Scriptures from which they originate.
As an example, he believes that God loves everyone equally and has made salvation available to all, with the requirement that they believe on His Son.
As I have shown in prior posts, I believe that God loves His elect, the vessels of mercy, the righteous who are justified by Christ's blood ( which is
why they are righteous in God's sight )...
and hates ( with a perfect and righteous hatred that has its basis in His perfect holiness ) the "non-elect", the vessels of wrath, the wicked, those that He has
not justified by the blood of His Son.
Based on what I see, salvation is therefore not available to all, but that His purposes according to election will stand...
not of works, but "of" Him that calls ( Romans 9:11 ).
Salvation is a sure thing for His people, and the "requirement" of belief is in reality, one of many evidences that His children exhibit.
Simply put, I understand the position intimately... and I know him to be speaking honestly.