Tempers are getting a little short.
The term "easy-believism" is a misnoner. IMO It should be "phoney believism".
The problem with LS theology to those of us who are accused of "easy-believism" is that it very often comes across as "faith plus works".
The other side objects that we teach that one can keep on sinning and still get into heaven.
Well, does anyone here on either side claim sinlessness? If one believes the posts, I don't think so.
The issue is life after salvation. Our sanctification.
Sanctification is not Justification.
Obviously if there has been the rebirth there is going to be a radical inward change which in most cases, but not always, spills out into the outward manner of life.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
What for instance of the seven year old PK or MK who is saved in Sunday School?
Yes a radical inward change but outwardly it may not be as evident.
Or perhaps a "church goer" who suddenly realizes he/she is not saved (it happens) after years of church attemdance with a "moral" life and maybe even a baptism to back it up.
The main problem as I see it is the confusion caused by trying to make sanctification a requirement of justification.
It indeed will happen if there has been rebirth.
More than once those who lead are admonished to be patient with the young.
Some one said we are both saying the same thing from a different perspective.
Having been in LS churches in my youth, I was counseled about personal sin and it sounded the same as from the so-called "easy-believism" pastors. It happens, make it right and move on
I think we should be very careful about our accusations.
Because in reality neither is true.
One cannot find either term "easy believism" or "lordship salvation" in the scripture.
Personally, as a teacher I have never told anyone they can sin without consequence.
But as truth would have it, everyone (on either side) admits that sin happens to Christians.
The essence of the issue then IMO is sanctification and how can those who watch over the flock measure and promote growth in holiness without fostering either legalism or licentiousness?