Do you even know what you are talking about here? I sure don't.
In the original article, provided by the link, I gave a summary for brevity's sake. You then accused me of leaving out the phrase "in the heart" intentionally, claiming it changed the meaning (which it did not).
My response to that accusation was this illustration:
Your accusation is about as frivolous
as accusing Paul as leaving out "in your heart" in Romans 10:13,
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,"
When he includes the phrase "in your heart" in Rom.10:9"
--I guess he disobeyed God; did spite unto the Holy Spirit, eh?
--Lordship salvation is based on works as that quote shows. It includes the things listed in that quote, according to that definition, and therefore is based on works and not faith alone.
Paul leaves out "in your heart" also in Romans 10:13 as compared to Romans 10:9, without any great change in meaning. Remember I was giving a summary of the passage.
It's kind of hard to not be offended when you said to me "you believe _____" when I believe no such thing. That is lying and making a false accusation in my opinion. As a Mod I would expect you to know better.
I already explained myself. Try not to take things so personally. I will try to use the impersonal pronoun "one" if that helps. We are talking about an article, right? "You" believe, or when "one" believes... Usually my "you" is generic, just like it is when I preach.
Exactly! That is the core of LS! This is why I'm convince you have been misinformed as to what LS actually teaches because you have it right here. "his life will change. It must... How can it not change?" Amen. Exactly right!
But I have heard or read some of these guys. They teach "whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple," (Lk.14:33), and apply that to salvation. If the new convert is not prepared to be a missionary right there and then as soon as he is saved, then he really isn't saved. That is why LS is works. That is why it leaves out progressive salvation. That is why it is error.
Yes there is change, but it is not all at once.
Couple issues. First, yes LS does teach that sanctification follows justification. That's the whole point. LS combats those who have a practically optional view of sanctification-that you can be saved but give no evidence by having a changed life. Second, Paul's salvation is no different than ours, except in the events that surrounded it. We are saved in the same way, by the same gospel. And we all must submit to Christ as Lord. He is Lord!
I have no problem with that, except to say that we are all different and grow at different rates. LS advocates seem to leave out the step of sanctification and believe that one must be a mature Christian as soon as they are saved.
No red-herring. You said salvation is not a process. I simply was saying that yes it is when you take in the full scope of salvation - justified, sanctified, glorified. That is a lifelong process. Washer nor MacArthur teach or believe that sanctification takes place at conversion. Can you find any primary source where either one says that?
I respect MacArthur and use many of his books. It is this doctrine of LS that is being taught which I don't respect. It is an extreme doctrine. To say that if Christ is not Lord of all he is not Lord at all, is wrong.
To say that one must "make Christ Lord of your life." is also wrong.
There is nothing you or anyone else can do that can "make" Christ Lord. He always has been and always will be Lord. The question is, "Will you submit to your sovereign as Lord." He already is the Lord. There is nothing you can do about that.
Do you disagree with the following:
If someone is truly saved, he has been made alive by the Holy Spirit and has a new heart with new desires. There is no way that one that has been “born again” can later be “unborn.” Because of His unique love for His children, God will keep all of His children safe from harm, and Jesus has promised that He would lose none of His sheep.
God has never promised that he will keep all of his children safe from harm. Read the biography of Adoniram Judson and see how much he suffered in the land of Burma.
Every one of the Apostles were martyred except for John.
Paul was stoned and left for dead. But miraculously arose and encouraged his brethren to keep on going. The Lord told Ananias concerning Paul: "I must show him how many things he must suffer for my sake."
Paul wrote to Timothy: "All who live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
The rest of the quote I can agree with.