Have you ever noticed that Daniel is told to seal up the vision and the prophecy (because it was a long way off), but in Revelation 22:10, John was told not to seal up the words of the prophecy - because the time is near. There is plenty of evidence that Revelation was probably written in the mid to late 60s, not the mid 90s. If this is true (as I believe it is), this clearly points to the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem.
The "firm covenant" of Daniel 9:27 was made at the Last Supper. The "prince" of verse 26 was the Roman general Titus, who led the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Incidentally, "antichrist" only appears 4 times (3 in 1 John and 1 in 2 John). This is a description, not a person nor a system. The covenant was broken at the Crucifixion. Anyway, that was my two cents worth.
that's interesting ... then what person is described by daniel when he says antichrist will be "taller than his associates" and "be from the people who crucified Messiah?" (Rome or Judea)
Moreover ... Zechariah has a physical description of "The Worthless Shepherd" .... now who is THAT if it's not antichrist? Not some allegory ... some idea ... an actual PERSON ...
who has a "bum" arm ... and is blind in his right eye.
Yes ... Daniel's prophesy was to be sealed-up and understanding given ... in the end. Was the end 70 AD?
I've never heard Daniel 9:27 being fulfilled at the last supper. The one who confirms the covenant with many isn't Jesus ... it's antichrist for he reneges at the 1/2 way point.
many false prophets in the end times. I think chasing these is fulfilling that prophesy.
Because ... if The End was 70AD ... then who are we, what are we doing, what is our purpose? The doctrine of immanence for Jesus' Return is precisely counter to every other appointment God made with His people ... and TOLD THEM in advance. (Noah, Moses, Jeremiah)
Jesus said He'd told us "all things in advance." was the advance merely 40 years? Or is it possible the scope given to Daniel covered the last 1/3 of man's dominion over the planet since he wasn't gonna understand it because events had yet to happen to REVEAL that understanding.
I still find it incredible a nation which hadn't existed in 1900 years is being disregarded for some understanding that 70AD fulfilled all prophesy ... and we have to accept Revelation was written in the 60s to make that "work." And that it wasn't just any nation ... it's the nation of the Jews! Aliyah is in progress like it's never been before and the expectation of discovering the lost tribes of the North is being bantered for the first time ... ever.
I appreciate your post, Lodic ... but I cannot accept what's in it.