And I showed you the context, and why you shouldn't use that verse.Just as when I have showed you Ecc 7:29 where Solomon said God has made men upright, you have refused to believe.
So it was said to Eve: "Thou shalt not surely die." Do you believe that too?
It is a promise written in the Bible. Do you sing the children's chorus: "Every promise in Book is mine; every chapter every verse every line."
I guess that one is for you too, isn't it?
The fact remains that because of their sin nature they sin every day.It says accusing or "else excusing" one another.
Rom 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; )
It is not me that is telling a half truth, but YOU. You conveniently left out part of the verse in an attempt to skew it's meaning to agree with you. These Gentiles have the law written on their hearts and conscience and therefore they know if what they have done is wrong (accusing) or right (excusing) one another. They know both right and wrong. They are not compelled to sin every moment as many falsely teach here.
Even though they have the law written on their hearts they break it. They know they sin. What do they do about it? They start accusing others of their own sins, and excusing themselves of it. They just make it worse. That is a result of the human nature; the depravity of man's nature. It they weren't so depraved they would own up to their own sin, instead of trying to pass it off on someone else.
You didn't have. I "eisigeted" Psalm 14:1 for you, in the same way you "eisigeted" Romans 2:14,15. You came to wrong conclusions. Perhaps deliberately so.I have never said such a thing about Psa 14:1, when I do, then you can accuse me of twisting scripture. You will say anything to justify yourself.
And we know we are sinners as far back as we can remember. In fact we cannot remember a day when we were "good." Better yet Jesus said "Why do you call me "good"? Know ye not that there is only one that is good, and that is God? Do you know the meaning of this verse Winman?Of course all men break the law, and because we have the law written on our hearts and a conscience we all deep down KNOW we are sinners.
It is natural for him to do wrong. I can't believe you said what you just did.But the fact is, it is natural for man to do right.
I could send you a picture of a two year old with bite marks on his cheek put there by a four year old. Is it natural to do good? No. These little children do evil naturally--naturally selfish, brutal, angry, etc. Two to four year olds: exhibiting the most sinful of natures.
Every false religion is like that. One doesn't get to heaven based on their feelings. Feelings are deceptive. Good works are as filthy rags. There is one that is good.When a man does right he feels good about himself, he does not feel guilty.
You post as if you have never come in contact with children. Do you have to teach children to tell the truth, or teach them how to lie? Which one?Sin is unnatural, when a man does wrong he knows it and feels guilty. Why? Because he KNOWS how he is supposed to act.
God does feel pity on us. That is why He sent Jesus Christ to redeem us. But even though he redeems those who put their trust in him we will always have this sin nature to contend with until we die. You can read about the battle that Paul had with it in Romans 7.If we are born sinners that are compelled to sin, then sin is a calamity or disease and God should feel pity on us.
If men are not born sinners why hasn't there ever been even one case of a man who have defied the odds and made it to heaven by not sinning? It is impossible because man has a sin nature and therefore sins. Charles Finney believed as you do. He believed that because man did not have sin natures it was possible to "grow Christian communities" wherein there would be no sin, and Christians could live to sinless perfection. Guess what? He failed.It is because men are not born sinners and it is natural for us to do right that we are judged guilty of a crime when we do wrong.
And if that child grows up to be a man, and goes out and commits crimes, will his crimes be the result of his parents or will he be held accountable for his own crimes? He will be held accountable for his own crimes no matter what upbringing he had. We are all held accountable for our own sins. We all have a sin nature.If a woman takes drugs and becomes addicted she might be charged with a crime and be sent to jail. But if her baby is born addicted to drugs, no just person would punish that innocent baby. His addiction is not a crime, but a calamity and disease caused by another. All men would pity this baby (and rightfully so) and try to help it be cured of the addiction imposed on it.
God pitied us. He sent his son to die for us.Likewise, if we are made sinners by Adam, we should be pitied, not held guilty for something we did not willfully choose or cause.
Semantics. They were born with a nature they could not change.Jeremiah did not ask if the Ethiopian is born with black skin or if the leopard is born with spots, he asked if they could CHANGE their skin and spots.
Jer 13:23
They were born with a nature that could not do good naturally (as the Ethiopian and the leopard could not change neither could they), and the result was that they sinned naturally and were accustomed to doing it. They were accustomed to sinning because it was in their nature. You can't divorce the last statement from the first two.Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
This verse is not speaking about men being born as sinners, it is saying that the Jews were so accustomed to sinning that it was almost impossible to CHANGE their ways or repent.