First of all I'm not asking you to do anything. However, Lets explore this further. Deut 34:5-8
It is clear from this Passage that Moses died. However, is Moses dead? Is Moses as you say "dead to the earth"? What does scripture say? Matthew 17:1-3 Mark 9:2 Now pay particular attention to Luke 9 Not only do we have a man "dead to the world" as you put it but aware enough of the circumstances to specifically discuss Jesus' departure and fulfillment which of course is his suffering and death to fulfill justice on behalf of mankind. Clearly then we see from these passages that though you as a believer may have physically died it is clear that being with God you are aware of the cirucmstances going on and that you aren't really dead but actually alive. More alive than you were bodily here. So your first analysis is wrong. We are not dead. And we are not dead to the world. The Truth is we are alive! And we know whats up! Look at what Moses was doing. He was speaking to Jesus. At this point Jesus hadn't raised from the dead. Jesus is incarnate and fully human but he was speaking with Moses. Therefore, this principles doesn't lie with Moses alone but the entire body of Believers who are the Church and the body of Jesus Christ which includes Mary. Therefore we can know that as with Moses who knew what was going on and could discuss this with Jesus, Mary can also be knowledgeable about world affairs so to speak.
Were these men sitting in heaven, listening to the prayers of those on earth, bringing them to God? No. They knew about Jesus and His departure because it had been PROPHESIED OF!! They were PROPHETS!! Hmmmm... So let's decide that they watched the earth on a big TV screen and base our doctrine on that? I don't think so.
Yes, people are alive in heaven but they are dead to the earth. Ecclesiastes 9:5.