Your definition of spiritually dead seems to be different than how I am defining it. In this discussion, I have understood you to be saying that Jesus spirit was killed. Hence spiritually dead. I understood that you were claiming the spirit which God gave man is killed.
Correct. This is not what I am saying. Mans spirit was not killed. We are born spiritually dead in adam,
Perhaps you are not saying this and therefore our terms are at odds.
When the Bible says we were dead in our trespasses and sins, it is referring to the curse which condemned us and killed thus we are dead men walking. The penalty was secure.
But when God made us alive, this means that the gracious pardon of God is given to us because Jesus took the curse of sin.
Neither Jesus spirit, nor our spirit were killed. But the curse of sin was paid for in the sacrificial atonement of Jesus upon the cross.
Do we agree?
I was thinking this morning that our defenition of spiritual death is different, and in that we are at odds. I think you are trying to look at the spirit as something different than I am, and trying to see this spiritual death as something being anialated or destructive or killed. Thats not the case.
Spiritual death just means separation from God. The curse/ penalty of sin was death. It was not physical death, so it had to be another type of death. The only other type of death I have ever heard of, was spiritual death, or separation of our spirit from God.
To me, when the Bible says we are dead in tresspasses and sin, it speaks of the spiritual death all mankind was born in due to the sin of adam, and eventually earned when they too sinned. It means we are seperated from God. There is a barrier. And that barrier can not be broken without payment Gods justice demands a payment, and Gods love can not over rule his justice. But it did pave a way.
God suffered the curse (spiritual; death) on our behalf as the price of redemption. So our spirit could be made alive, and do what it was designed to do. Relate and have fellowship with God
The spirit of a mans being was created to have fellowship with God. That relationship was broken in the garden of Eden, As God is holy, and just and can not fellowship with sin.
When our sin was placed on Jesus, He too suffered the curse in our place. As God is holy and can not relate with sin, So he had to turn his back and “forsake” the son, who was made sin.
I know when I was first really explained this situation and what happened. It brought the cross to a new lLight. It explained why in one second. A man who was beaten so bad, yet spoke not a word. In a moment started screaming (the hebrew has in it the sense that jesus was screaming in pain, The crowd even noticed a huge change, and it got dark.)
It was at this time, the HS left him, And Jesus cried, because for the first time in history of eternal history, Jesus was seperated from the father and spirit. As they could not look on him at sin,
That, is what God did to pay for my sin. And I am eternally Grateful for what he did.
No one on earth can fathom what that is like. We have never experienced an eternal oneness with God that I am not sure even the angels have experienced. Then to have that taken away even for a few short hours must have felt like an eternity!