Yes, because us side B SSA Christians are soooo bad, the way we don't have gay sex or partake in gay marriage and the way we keep ourselves chaste. Deeeeeefinitely the wrong person to instruct and be a mentor for someone who struggles with the same things at a young age. Oh noooooo
Cry me a river
You are so brainwashed from the influences in your life that it is no problem for you to believe that this 9 year old boy was born to be attracted to the same sex that you beg the question that he should counseled by an adult of his same kind who is deeply rooted into your type of acceptance.
First of all, I do not assume nor accept any such thing! I believe most the time, almost all the time this type of behavior and/or acceptance is a choice. I don’t care about the fallacious Argument from Pity regarding who would want to choose such a thing. …they willingly do then look for excuses! Often this choice is related to various emotional and relational problems which has developed through sinful ideas being supported others who approve of and propagandize the behavior.
By suggesting that someone who claims to be a Christian and also claims to be born that way and had no choice should be able to use his influences to reinforce the ideas, THE LIES that have been put into a 9 year old child’s head that this type of behavior, something that shouldn’t even be on a 9 year old’s mind except for the widespread indoctrination of our youth from those within the LGBTQ community, only demonstrates that you agree with these influences, nothing more.
Let me be clear, I would doubt that claim from a confessed Christian that he had no choice because he was born that way. Probably 99% of so-called SSA Christians that have filled your head would make that claim. I do not accept this excuse as a truth. It not only defies logic but I‘ve personally witnessed in my lifetime the rise of this popular go-to argument as an excuse and the Argument from Pity which typically follows.
Further, I believe the vast majority of those who buy into this type of sinful supporting arguments are mentally disturbed and are typically encouraged from others with mental issues and perversions. You, young lady, are an example of someone with mental issues that has willingly adopted these arguments to confirm the path you are on.
Secondly, the Bible is full of instruction to stay away from, not partake with, to rebuke and forsake engaging in sin. You have taken the opposite approach and strive to build upon being a biblical apologist as you conform to these sinful worldly thoughts about who you are as a person.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Jas 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
2Ti 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (4) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Thirdly, once again, your arguments are nothing new to me. I have 2 children your age that came up through the public school system but also through my guidance and we have dealt with these arguments since kindergarten. My daughter used to come home crying about the attacks on her because of her disagreement with such issues as the agenda to accept homosexuality as normal as well as abortion but in the end she won many over and was blessed with the knowledge of the truth. I am experienced enough with these issues that I would wager that should I be given custody of that 9 old year old boy that I could totally renew his mind about these thoughts and turn him into an apologist against homosexuality in a month. So tell me HOW do you figure it is best that this young child should be instructed by someone who would merely wink at this type of behavior and beliefs instead of teach him WHY they are evil and wrong?!
I would tell you about my nephew that was on your bandwagon in a bigger way than you but it is a long story and I tire of this format.
I’ll stop there. I’ll not waste my time trying to nail your arguments down through an internet forum as you hide behind a keyboard. I much prefer these conversions in person where I serious doubt you would be bold enough to be mouthing of with statements like, “cry me a river” for your conclusions after you’ve avoided my arguments.