Van's definition of concordance was mistaken. Translating by concordance does not include phrases.Yet another mindless claim of mind reading. He then attempts to tell you how I use words, straight out of the liberal left playbook. I defined concordance. Did he quote that? Nope.

Ah, yes, so this means that Van considers himself an authoritative source, even though (1) he does not know either Greek or Hebrew; (2) he has never actually done translation work; (3) he apparently is fluent in no other language than English; (4) he considers Strong's to be his top source for the original languages; (5) he is not a linguist in any way, shape or form.One thing for sure, posts like his make him sound less like an authoritative source.
Other than these little details, he's a top authority on Bible translation. And he's so humble and sweet about it!
I rarely participate in Van's threads, and when I do, I always feel remorse. Like now--I just feel like an empty sack....Did he provide a verse that could not be translated using the word for word philosophy method? Nope. So what we have here is an empty sack.

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