It shows that the population of the world is increasing at a phenomenal rate.I cannot see how this applies.
It does not change any of the FACTS presented thus far.
The fact that prayer and the Bible were taken out of schools, not in the 90's but in the 60s. How does what you say here address this fact?
The fact the divorce rate was its highest, not in the 90's, but in the 70's. It shot up in those decades phenomenally.
The fact that abortion was legalized, not in the 90's, but in the 70's.
The fact that AIDS became an epidemic in the 60's and 70's.
The adults of the 60's and 70's lost this nation.
Deal with facts. I don't care about the names of your heroes. I care, as should all of us, about results.
It shows that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and n the U.S. today, and that you are doing precious little to stop it.
It shows that Islamic terrorists created havoc on U.S. soil with the advent of 9/11 and you want to blame it on someone else, but fail to look to yourself for any responsibility.
It shows that in Islamic nations like Pakistan that are known to produce terrorists grow at a much faster rate than the U.S. From the mid-80's to the present its population grew from 130 million to 190 million. But how many missionaries did you send there? And are you willing to go there yourself to stem the tide?
In reality it shows that, contrary to perhaps your own theology,
In the last days perilous times shall come.
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Yes you would like someone to blame the evils of the world on. But for every finger you point at there are four pointing back at you. What are you doing to correct the current evils of the world?
There is lots of evil in this world. For example:
"[FONT="]More than half a billion birth control procedures, including at least 336 million abortions, have been performed in the name of the one-child policy, China's Health ministry revealed yesterday.[/FONT]"
Instead of sitting back on your high horse and criticizing, what are you going to do about it?
BTW, there are non-resistant super-bugs, STD's and now polio and TB, all of which have come in just the last couple of years or so--your generation. Scientists are fighting to find a new antibiotic, a new remedy for these.
Epidemics of the Dengue fever hit various nations every year killing hundreds. It is transmitted by mosquitoes and there is no known cure or prevention (except to avoid getting bitten by a mosquito). What are you going to do about that?
The Bible says "love your neighbor as yourself."
Until you take care of these problems, similar to the ones you accuse us of, you don't really love your neighbor do you? You just let them die in their sin.