Okay this is my problem with the "days" question. Doesn't the bible say that to God a day is like 1,000 years so in a way it could be that we are counting it wrong and that it went 1,000 2,0000 3,000 and so on and not 24 hour days like others think as time is man made. As I was thinking of this it could also answer Scientific questions about Earth and probably match up more to what Science shows. therefore proving the existence of God. Thats just my opinion of course.
Yes, a day is as a thousand years to God but that doesn't mean we read "day" in Scripture and decide that it means 1000 years. In Hebrew, if "day" is paired with an ordinal number (first, second, third, etc.), it is a literal day. An ordinal number and "day" never means a longer period of time. In addition, "evening and morning" do not match with 1000 years but with a literal day.