I sure hope you don't get your knowledge of history from Hollywood! The above only happened after the battle of Ia Drang and then only because the Military had not had time to set up a notification system. Later, in the late 1960s I became a part of that system. One of my first duties was to accompany the body of one of my best friends home after his death. The Marine Corps did a masterful job of closing ranks around the family and finding the younger brother of the dead Marine, who was also a Marine, and making sure he was home in time for the funeral.
Besides, what has this to do with the subject of the thread?
Why do anything? Let them assemble. Let them protest. As long as they do not destroy property or burn the campus down, leave them alone. They will soon tire of it and go home. Remember, this is (supposedly) a FREE country. Political expression is the right of every citizen, even if their politics disagree with yours! Its not freedom unless everybody has it!