See my answer in the other thread.
Summary, not all affected people make a choice to play. Many are also misled into playing.
Assume you see someone playing a game of chance against someone who is learning impared. Now the learning impaired individual does not understand exactly what is happening and I have the odds stacked so largely in my favor that the person has no chance of winning, yet I keep taking his/her money. Would you say, "Well they are voluntarily playing." Would you stand by and allow me to continue? Would you encourage another learning impared person to play also?
I can hide behind "No one makes them play" arguments all I want, but then again Christ can also say, "They choose sin, no one made them take part."
Defending the one who can't help himself vs taking from the one who can are two totally different things.
And then, tossing in semantics, it would be said that the learning imparied person can't make this decision of right mind, and that the other person is taking advantage of him because of the impariment. Does your local Shell Gas Station take advantage of a person who guys a lotto ticket? Does that cashier look for a learning impaired person to try to scam a buck out of them for a ticket? Maybe, but I'm guessing not.
For the record...I'm personally not a huge fan of gambling, because I think it's a very addictive things to take part in. A few times a year I play poker with my brother, a few of my cousins, and my grandpa's two brothers. We have a blast. We play penny poker. But I know just from playing that...that I probably shouldn't spend time in casino's.
On top of that, whether it's right or wrong, the social stigma to gambling isn't positive. As a Christian, I don't want my testimony damaged or hurt because I spend time at the casinos, etc. IMO, same thing applies to drinking. Those tend to be places that can hurt my testimony and possibly keep me from being able to bring someone to Christ.