The high priest.Who kills the victim in the sacrifice?
Is our Lord not referred to the high priest in Hebrews 5?
I lay my life down, I take it up again.
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The high priest.Who kills the victim in the sacrifice?
No. No Penal Substitution Theory at all. Just traditional Christianity (the faith delivered once to the saints).Well this is it, is it? Penal Substitution Lite? 'Mountains are in labour and a miserable mouse is born.'
I am pleased that you now admit that the Father forsook the Son, which is something you adamantly denied last time we locked horns. I am pleased also that you have adjusted your 'penal substitution theory' and are no longer insisting that PS declares that God was punishing Christ rather than punishing sin.
But what is missing from your PS Lite is God's requirement for propitiation, and the need for God's justice to be upheld, 'That He might be just and the justifier of the one who believes in Jesus.' God's justice demands that sin must be punished, and so the Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate, was made sin for us and suffered, willingly, the punishment and God's righteous anger against sin that we deserve.
And you still do not understand, or will not admit, that the Bible declares very clearly, both in type and in actuality that the Father struck the Son, putting Him to grief, 'I will strike the Shepherd........'
No. No Penal Substitution Theory at all. Just traditional Christianity (the faith delivered once to the saints).Well this is it, is it? Penal Substitution Lite? 'Mountains are in labour and a miserable mouse is born.'
I am pleased that you now admit that the Father forsook the Son, which is something you adamantly denied last time we locked horns. I am pleased also that you have adjusted your 'penal substitution theory' and are no longer insisting that PS declares that God was punishing Christ rather than punishing sin.
But what is missing from your PS Lite is God's requirement for propitiation, and the need for God's justice to be upheld, 'That He might be just and the justifier of the one who believes in Jesus.' God's justice demands that sin must be punished, and so the Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate, was made sin for us and suffered, willingly, the punishment and God's righteous anger against sin that we deserve.
And you still do not understand, or will not admit, that the Bible declares very clearly, both in type and in actuality that the Father struck the Son, putting Him to grief, 'I will strike the Shepherd........'
I agree. But I would not go so far as to say the Penal Substitution Theorists are perishing. They think God's Word foolish in regards to the Atonement, so they write their own. But they are Christians. They are simply blinded by their own tradition.Paul and I agree that the preaching of the Cross is foolishness to them that perish.
Jon, did you notice the repeated posts?I agree. But I would not go so far as to say the Penal Substitution Theorists are perishing. They think God's Word foolish in regards to the Atonement, so they write their own. But they are Christians. They are simply blinded by their own tradition.
Thanks. Headed back from Savannah GA and had slow service (wife is driving).Jon, did you notice the repeated posts?
I had that happen when the system was slower to respond and I hit post reply a few times in frustration.![]()
On the day of Atonement, but the rest of the time, just the priest.The high priest.
So true. We also have the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, a type of the God the Father sacrificing His Son, Jesus.On the day of Atonement, but the rest of the time, just the priest.
The offering, as Christ, is killed. The priest, as YHWH, does the killing.
On the day of Atonement, but the rest of the time, just the priest.
The offering, as Christ, is killed. The priest, as YHWH, does the killing. It's there. You can't argue with it.
But he really didn’t did he.So true. We also have the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, a type of the God the Father sacrificing His Son, Jesus.
Having studied this thread for some time in order to understand the outrageous positions taken by JonC and agedman, I can no longer remain silent.
I thank God for such stalwarts in the faith as iconoclast, Martin M and Aaron.
IMHO, I believe such statements as “Christ did not die to appease God. Christ died to appease the World” are not only God-dishonoring, but anti-Christian.
The world has never needed appeasing.
Appeasing what? Its thirst for blood? Its hatred of that which is good and holy?
It is our holy, righteous and just God who needs appeasing.
His divine and holy justice requires/demands satisfaction.
Christ alone satisfied, appeased, propitiated the vindicatory justice of God.
He did so through his active and passive obedience, from childhood through Calvary.
The OT animal sacrifices were shadows of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.
They were not sacrificed to appease the ‘World.’ They were continually sacrificed to temporarily appease the wrath of a holy God whose hatred of sin is so pronounced that He will not bestow forgiveness unless an appropriate punishment is rendered as payment for the sin.
Christ, the punished, was that payment. The bloody sacrifice of sinless man who is also infinite God was the only possible way to pay the infinite sin debt of God’s Elect.
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
There is a sin debt owed God. It is not owed the world.
Our sin debt was paid in full by the blood of innocent Christ.
Luke 7 teaches the Parable of the Two Debtors. God is the creditor who can forgive debts, if He chooses. His forgiveness requires that Christ, our surety, pays in full our debt which, once satisfied, relieves us of payment.
But it is more complicated when the payment is made in blood, rather than currency. Blood signifies punishment by a torturous death.
It also signifies the unspeakable punishment due those who reject Christ as Lord and Savior.
To not believe the penal aspect of Christ’s bloody sacrifice is to elevate your wisdom above God’s.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
1Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set you free from the law of sin and death. 3For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man, as an offering for sin.
What do you mean? what happened to our sin???so that the righteousness is fulfilled in us.
The Lamb was pay the penalty and redeem us.No mention in the slightest of the brutalizing by the Father upon the Son so prominent in the PSA view.
Who brutalized our Lord? Who put Him upon the cross? Humankind, me!
So God did not give a multitude to the Son, for Him to redeem?Do not take my own shame as a contributor to His suffering for me. He suffered not by the hand of God,
You are drifting from the true meaning of the cross.It’s certainly is the issue, for you proclaimed a drifting was taking place into apostasy.
I am showing a far more perfect view of the atonement then that presented by PSA
Having studied this thread for some time in order to understand the outrageous positions taken by JonC and agedman, I can no longer remain silent.
I thank God for such stalwarts in the faith as iconoclast, Martin M and Aaron.
IMHO, I believe such statements as “Christ did not die to appease God. Christ died to appease the World” are not only God-dishonoring, but anti-Christian.
The world has never needed appeasing.
Appeasing what? Its thirst for blood? Its hatred of that which is good and holy?
It is our holy, righteous and just God who needs appeasing.
His divine and holy justice requires/demands satisfaction.
Christ alone satisfied, appeased, propitiated the vindicatory justice of God.
He did so through his active and passive obedience, from childhood through Calvary.
The OT animal sacrifices were shadows of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.
They were not sacrificed to appease the ‘World.’ They were continually sacrificed to temporarily appease the wrath of a holy God whose hatred of sin is so pronounced that He will not bestow forgiveness unless an appropriate punishment is rendered as payment for the sin.
Christ, the punished, was that payment. The bloody sacrifice of sinless man who is also infinite God was the only possible way to pay the infinite sin debt of God’s Elect.
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
There is a sin debt owed God. It is not owed the world.
Our sin debt was paid in full by the blood of innocent Christ.
Luke 7 teaches the Parable of the Two Debtors. God is the creditor who can forgive debts, if He chooses. His forgiveness requires that Christ, our surety, pays in full our debt which, once satisfied, relieves us of payment.
But it is more complicated when the payment is made in blood, rather than currency. Blood signifies punishment by a torturous death.
It also signifies the unspeakable punishment due those who reject Christ as Lord and Savior.
To not believe the penal aspect of Christ’s bloody sacrifice is to elevate your wisdom above God’s.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
All facets are represented in the type. You don't get to purge the one that falsifies your erroneous notions.Not completely the scriptural accounting, Aaron.
Christ is both high priest, the sacrificial lamb and the scapegoat. He is not just the just one but the justifier.
He is the propitiation and the alter of propitiation.
He is both the light and light giver, the water of life and life itself.
He is both priest and King, the sacrificed lamb and high priest.
These are not divisible into time compartments as some might desire that it fit some scheme of atonement.
As Jon is wont to say, God uses men.But he really didn’t did he.
God provided the Lamb, and humankind did the sacrificing.
It's late. Let me clarify: You're not being consistent with your allegory.As Jon is wont to say, God uses men.
But, how in the type you employ is it that a quadrupedal beast is the Son of God, but the bipedal creature is just a creature?