The interesting thing is the first millenia and a half of the Christian Church did not believe God punished His Son instead of punishing us.Having studied this thread for some time in order to understand the outrageous positions taken by JonC and agedman, I can no longer remain silent.
I thank God for such stalwarts in the faith as iconoclast, Martin M and Aaron.
IMHO, I believe such statements as “Christ did not die to appease God. Christ died to appease the World” are not only God-dishonoring, but anti-Christian.
The world has never needed appeasing.
Appeasing what? Its thirst for blood? Its hatred of that which is good and holy?
It is our holy, righteous and just God who needs appeasing.
His divine and holy justice requires/demands satisfaction.
Christ alone satisfied, appeased, propitiated the vindicatory justice of God.
He did so through his active and passive obedience, from childhood through Calvary.
The OT animal sacrifices were shadows of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.
They were not sacrificed to appease the ‘World.’ They were continually sacrificed to temporarily appease the wrath of a holy God whose hatred of sin is so pronounced that He will not bestow forgiveness unless an appropriate punishment is rendered as payment for the sin.
Christ, the punished, was that payment. The bloody sacrifice of sinless man who is also infinite God was the only possible way to pay the infinite sin debt of God’s Elect.
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
There is a sin debt owed God. It is not owed the world.
Our sin debt was paid in full by the blood of innocent Christ.
Luke 7 teaches the Parable of the Two Debtors. God is the creditor who can forgive debts, if He chooses. His forgiveness requires that Christ, our surety, pays in full our debt which, once satisfied, relieves us of payment.
But it is more complicated when the payment is made in blood, rather than currency. Blood signifies punishment by a torturous death.
It also signifies the unspeakable punishment due those who reject Christ as Lord and Savior.
To not believe the penal aspect of Christ’s bloody sacrifice is to elevate your wisdom above God’s.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
It is interesting because you take a relatively new minority theory and insist it is essentially the cornerstone of Christianity.
But you do this on error.
Nobody has said a sin debt is owed the world.
That said, please back up your claim.
What passage(s) are you referencing that state (without your theory....I'm speaking of God's Word, not any additions....i.e. "What is written" and what is written again):
1. Christ paid our sin debt (note - we all agree the record of debt under the Law is canceled).
2. Jesus experienced God's wrath.
3. God punished Jesus instead of punishing us.
4. God is unable to forgive sins except He first (or by) punish sin.
You can claim all day long that @agedman and I reject Scripture, BUT the funny thing is our view is the actual written text of Scripture where yours is what you believe is taught but not recorded.