Sir, you're trying to use the preterists' fave smokescreen - reducing "inconvenient" Scriptures to "figurative/symbolic" status. well, it WON'T WORK!
Was Jerusalem figuratively, or literally, destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD?
Is there one stone of the temple of Jesus' time left upon another?
Is there war and rumor of war? Or, are all those things symbolic?
Again & again, I shall ask preterists for **PROOF** their pronouncements are true. So far, they're batting .000.
It's the preterists who go beyond the things that are written. Jesus said the great trib will be the worst disaster in history & it'll be worldwide, but prets try to limit it to the siege of Jerusalem while the rest of the world went on unaffected. And prets cannot show us when all life in the seas died, when all green grass was burned up, or when there was a rain of rocks.
And they cannot show us when Jesus returned in great power and glory, as He said He will, SEEN BY ALL, also as He Himself said.
Preterism remains a false doctrine, phony as a Ford Corvette.
I see so many men have answered you so well, I'll not continue. I guess I'm a 'Johnny come lately' here. I will say, and I don't mean this in a nasty way. I've spent time debating a couple of WatchTower men lately. Sadly, I find most Dispensationalists argue in the same manner as the JWs. Maybe it is just common among the heresies and cults that popped up in the 19th century.