Same scripture I was thinking. SO - can an unbeliever show love? Joy? Peace? Gentleness? Or can only believers exhibit those fruits?
Faith! Because the Word says it is praising God!
Consider this carefully: Even the devils believe, and tremble. Scripture tells us there are those that will say they have cast out devils in His name, but He will tell them He never knew them.
If there are those that cast out devils, and those that exhibit love, joy, peace, gentleness; but He will say He never knew them ... then how can you say that speaking in tongues is
always the Holy Spirit speaking, especially if you don't know what's being said?
He is speaking of being unprofitable to the assembly! God will give us the interpretation if we ask!
No; in 1 Cor 13, he wasn't speaking of the assembly. He then took the same concept in 1 Cor 14, and applied it to the assembly.
yes, sorry!
It says speak to yourself AND to God! THat means keep it to yourself and God! Praying in the spirit is between you and God unless you interpret it for the assembly.
So how would you pray to God without knowing what you were praying? Would you not understand the intent of your own heart?
I agree with Paul! We are to covet prophesy for the edification of the church. If tongues is done in order and with interpretation in the church it should not be forbidden like some churches do!
We are not told to covet..we are told to desire them. But covet prophesy to edify the church!
Exactly. We're not told to covet tongues. Instead, we're warned about their use.
It is not for unbelievers is a sign to unbelievers...there is a difference! AN unbeliever can not manifest what he does not have!
That was merely a typo, leaving out "a sign"; so look at Isaiah 28:12 again, and consider carefully that this passage does not encourage a private prayer language, but states what is said over and over in scripture: tongues are a sign for unbelievers. So Isaiah 28:12 cannot be used in the context/manner with which you attempted to use it.