Heavenly Pilgrim
New Member
RAdam: That which is not of faith is sin. If foolishness isn't sin, why does it need to be corrected? Proverbs said that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
HP: The passage you quote here applies to moral agents alone, i.e., those capable of sinning. We correct a child so as to train them up in such a way that WHEN they reach the age of accountability and stand morally accountable they might be accustomed to doing good, and that by habit hopefully.
RAdam: Have you never observed that one doesn't have to teach a child to be bad, but rather it takes much effort, much patience, much longsuffering to teach that child to be good?
HP: Which proves only that all men have a proclivity to sin. I have raised several children of my own. I have found that some take far more teaching than others. Some are compliant and loving and others are far more selfish. Some seem to go from an obedient childhood straight into a loving relationship with God as teens and adults, while others seemingly have to try every bit of sinister bait the enemy of their souls places in their pathway. (Such was I as a young adult, sorry to say and may God continue to have mercy upon me) I could go into far more graphic illustration and examples but wisdom tells me it is best to refrain in this setting.
Hallelujah! I have found Him
Whom my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies my longings
Thru His blood I now am saved!
( To all my dear Church of Christ fellow believers, please forgive me for this link:smilewinkgrin: )
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