Well-Known Member
The context of Romans 5:1-5 is not saving grace but enabling grace. Notice Paul says we “stand” in that grace. In the very next verse he says they “glory in tribulations”.Is it in dispute that those justified were ungodly before being justified? Nope
Only crippled minds claim to be mind readers (knowing others are "embittered against the truth.")
Romans 5:1-6 demonstrates Calvinism is false...
We gained access by faith into this grace wherein we stand. Thus we were saved by grace "by reason of our faith being credited as righteousness by God, by which we gained access to God's saving grace!!
Once we are saved, we gain access to God’s enabling grace that allows us to stand firm in the midst of persecution and tribulation.
Paul is not speaking of gaining access to God’s saving grace by faith, but that once we are saved, we have access to God’s enabling grace.
peace to you