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I would challenge the readers who drink: the next time you wish to drink your wine....be sure and not LOOK at it before you drink it. Perhaps that will help your conscience feel better.
Please post where I ever said any such thing. If you can't just apologize.Mr. Cassidy, I am still waiting for you to quote me on that false charge you made. If you can quote me proving that I said virtually everyone I've known is demonized then you win and I will have to apologize.
Neither do I. But I am not legalist enough to condemn those who do so in moderation.I personally don't drink.
You stated "poisoning begins with the first drink." Either what you said was untrue or Paul told Timothy to commit suicide. I suspect the former is more likely correct. Which is it?
That's funny.....because there actually is arsenic in Apple pie.....and we still eat it.'Wine s a mocker, strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise' Proverbs 20:1.
How is one deceived by liquor or intoxicating beverages? Hint: The "I can hold my liquor" attitude. The thought that a little won't hurt,...never mind that it qualifies as poison. You see, the word intoxicating comes from the word 'toxin' which = poison. One drink begins the poisoning and it starts to slow the mind down by degree.
If you knew that that luscious apple pie that someone offers you had only 1% arsenic in it would you eat the pie?
Anything intoxicating should be off limits for a Christian and the 'I only drink in moderation' attitude should be eliminated. Can one commit fornication in 'moderation'? Can one commit adlutery in 'moderation'? Can one lie in 'moderation'? Of course not. So the command to do things in 'moderation' has a different application as it concerns drinking intoxicating beverages.
Neither do I. But I am not legalist enough to condemn those who do so in moderation.
I believe you may be thinking of cyanide. And it actually can't get into a pie unless you use the seeds. The compound that breaks down into hydrogen cyanide is in the seeds of apples. But you'd have to eat a lotttttttttttt of apple seeds for it to be harmful.That's funny.....because there actually is arsenic in Apple pie.....and we still eat it.
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Nope arsenic. Apples have a natural occurring level of arsenic. FDA puts a lot of effort monitoring the level. Especially in Apple juice. If you remember, children's juice was recalled a few years ago because of arsenic levels were too high.I believe you may be thinking of cyanide. And it actually can't get into a pie unless you use the seeds. The compound that breaks down into hydrogen cyanide is in the seeds of apples. But you'd have to eat a lotttttttttttt of apple seeds for it to be harmful.
Nope arsenic. Apples have a natural occurring level of arsenic. FDA puts a lot of effort monitoring the level. Especially in Apple juice. If you remember, children's juice was recalled a few years ago because of arsenic levels were too high.
Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
And you need to stop being a patronizing, petulant child.![]()
And one drink does not make one drunk. Just ask Paul. He didn't tell Timothy to get drunk, he said to take a little wine for his stomach's sake.
You either believe the bible or you don't. You don't seem to.
And I am considerably older than you, and unlike you, I act my age.
Please do not lie about what I said. My statement to you was in response to and nothing else. Shame on you! The Lord rebuke you!
You haven't made a case. You have posted a lot of unsupported opinions with no factual basis.
You have Ted, forgive me, I mean Tom, pegged right. Be careful of this one, he wields great power.Oh, then please forgive this nearly 65 yr old 'petulant child'.
You clearly don't like it when someone crosses you with facts from both scripture and legal sources that prove your point is in error.
Well, O.K. have a nice day, brother. Like I said, I rest my case.
No, he did not and that is a purely prejudiced answer. Question: Do you or do you not partake of intoxicating beverages (as defined by law)? If the answer is 'yes' then we see the reason for such prejudiced thinking. If not then one must wonder why you would take such a position that is at deference with the text of scripture which warns us to not even LOOK at fermented wine.
Please post where I ever said any such thing. If you can't just apologize.
If you are going to take the word "look" in that verse literally then it must mean blind people can drink wine.
<sorry, trying to lighten the mood in this thread... Psalm 104:15?>
You have Ted, forgive me, I mean Tom, pegged right. Be careful of this one, he wields great power.