Inspector Javert
Active Member
1.)An argument from silence is a tricky is not always erroneous to use one.I could go on a long diatribe about why this is wrong, but instead I'll get right down to the brass tacks.
Most of this post is an argument from silence.
The Bibles does not say that so-and-so tithed so they must not have. That's an argument from silence.
If I said: Luke has not reported their being a 300 lb. gorilla in his's valid to infer that there is NOT ONE, because you have to weigh it against the likelihood that something so critical would actually be reported.
I maintain that if "tithing" were an eternal moral principle, than God might have mentioned it once in the first full third of human history, and that he might have bothered to command the gentile Churches to do so, but, he did not. You will further note that GOD gave neither Abraham nor Jacob any such command to tithe...they simply DID so. And alas, they did not do so in the same WAY either. If we are going to take DESCRIPTIVE statements about what people DID, and make them PRESCRIPTIVE to what we SHOULD DO...than you should teach the church to bring 100% of all of their income and share it equally with one another, like the little communists that the early Church was....But, you wouldn't teach them to "tithe" a mere 10%. That's one of the main reasons God dropped Ananias and Sapphira...they were effectively stealing from others in the congregation. It makes sense dudn'it!
2.) My argument did not consist ENTIRELY of the argument from silence. You are simply pointing that out to avoid responding to all the myriads of other arguments people have made.
No, it's more like saying, if there is a 300lb. gorilla in Rick's house, he would probably have called Animal Control by now, and as he has neither shot at anything......his dogs aren't barking, and he has not in fact called Animal Control, I think it is safe to assume his property is presently free of violent gorillas at the moment.It's like saying, Inspector Javert never said on baptistboard that he lives in a house so he must be homeless.
1.) Only off of spoils of war, and only once, and not from his normal income.The Bible DOES say that Abraham tithed to God's priest.
2.) He did not keep the rest, but gave it away
3.) He was not "commanded" to, he simply did so.
4.) You are not teaching people to give 10% of war are teaching them to give consistently of their monetary income on a regular basis......Abraham did not do that.
Yeah, I know......Isn't it interesting though that AFTER the law was given there were different and SEPARARATE laws for how to deal with spoils of war? I would imagine if tithing were inextricably interrelated to spoils of war......than the rules for how to handle them would be related to tithe laws......but alas, they are not.This is 400 years before the law.
I don't think so.....'nuff said.
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