Some have said there should be NO restriction on religious meetings.
1. So a church should be able to practice snake handling in a residential neighborhood
Stop right there. We are not talking about a "church." We are talking about friends and family gathering at a home to study the Bible. There is no offering taken. There is no paid staff. It is not open to the public. The place in question is not a "church" in a legal sense of the word.
Yes, a person should be able to have snakes at their home. If they get loose, and escape from that person's property, they are legally liable. But as long as the person has them confined to their property, then it is nobodies business. Several of my neighbors have snakes. My former pastor, who is also a former zoo keeper and biologist, lived in a residential district with dozens of snakes....
2. A church building should not be required to conform to fire codes
A home (we are not talking about a church) should be able to be built however that person wants it built, as long as it does not infringe on neighboring properties. If you want to build your home, on your property, out of sticks and gum wrappers, it is no one else's business but yours...ESPECIALLY in a rural situation such as this one, where the property in question is 4 acres.
3. A church building should not be required to conform to handicap requirements (parking, door width, ect)
Church buildings are already exempt from ADA requirements. Courts have already upheld this. But we are not talking about a church. We are talking about a person's home.
4. Church leaders should not be required to report child sexual predators
We are not talking about a church. We are talking about a home. Yes, people can have a child predator in their home. If not, where on earth would they live? :tonofbricks:
5. Should a church be allowed to practice animal sacrifice
A person should be able to kill an animal at their home, yes. Grandma used to do this all the time. She would grab the chicken by the neck, spin it, and the head would pop off. :laugh:
6. Should a church (in a residential area) be allowed to amplify sound/music without regards to neighbors
Overly loud music is a form of trespassing. Completely different.
7. Should a pastor be allowed to lie if it helps the church?
Lying is not against the law. Not sure this man lied...
Now before anyone says these items I listed are not pertinent to the case in question - I realize that -
but some have said "Freedom of Religion".
Is itis an absolute freedom - or is the govt allowed to make reasonable restrictions?
The same amendment also says "or abridging the freedom of speech" but the SCOTUS did say a man may not yell fire in a crowded theater.
In a commercial situation, perhaps. A person's private home is a different matter.
Where do we draw the line.
We err on the side of freedom.
As far as this case, I would like to know what ALL the neighbors think about the situation.
There is only one real neighbor. The only other thing next to them is a large sports complex/park. It is a rather rural area.