A family's Thanksgiving dinner does not fall under the same municipal category as a church, mosque, Lion's Club hall, or DAR headquarters.
Most of these city ordinances that require permits and/or housing inspections are for "religious, fratenal, or non-profit" organizations. A large family of 40 having Thanksgiving dinner on Grandpa's farm doesn't qualify for that.
Think about this old adage that everyone knows. "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck."
This man - who calls himself a pastor - has a structure in which people meet weekly, sit in pews, and listen to him as he stands behind a pulpit giving Bible instruction.
That sounds like church to me.
And another thing - it may look to some of you here like a persecution, but a lot of times these things don't get looked into unless there is a complaint.
His neighbor complained. I don't know why. Is he a non-believer? A trouble-maker? Does he have a legitimate complaint? I don't know.
But the city has no choice once the complaint is made.
The man who IS housing and running a church in building on his property that is not up to code must comply with city regulations.
And I don't see why that's such a hard to thing to comprehend.
So, its illegal to have a Bible study at your house? As soon as you are studying the Bible, or teaching, it is instantly a "Church"? ??!! That is RIDICULOUS.
I guess from your logic, a Super Bowl Party at someone's house would have to get a liquor license (since its a Bar), or a swimming pool party at someone's house has to have paid lifeguards (since it is a Public pool), and that Granny can't bake her neighbors cookies anymore without a license (since that is a bakery).
Commercial property designation requires PAYMENT for goods and services, and PAID STAFF, and is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. NONE of those occur on this man's property.
The City is breaking the law and shredding the Constitution. Not only are they violating equal protection (since they said a party or other activity was fine...just not a bible study or "Worship service"...they are penalizing the man, not for number of people, but for the activity they are choosing to engage in), they are also violating the first amendment.
This country does not have a chance with person's such as yourself supporting Government oppression.