DHK said:
IF (and
we are not) commanded to commemorate any day of the week it would be the first day of the week, the day that Christ rose from the dead.
Let's evaluate that claim "sola scriptura" --
1. There is not one NT or OT text saying "
week day 1 is the Holy Day of the LORD" but we DO have that for Sabbath in Is 58:13. (AND we do not have ONE text in the NT or OT that says "week day 1 is the LORD's Day)
2. There is not ONE text in the NT or OT that says that "
they met EVERY week-day-1 for gospel teaching" for both Jews AND gentiles but we DO have that for Sabbath in Acts 18:4-6.
3. There is not ONE text in the NT or OT that says "
they met week-day-1 after week-day-1 " for anything - but we DO have that in Acts 13 and Acts 17 regarding Sabbath for both Jews AND Gentiles.
4. There is not ONE text in the NT or OT saying "
from week day 1 to week day 1 shall ALL MANKIND come before Me to worship" - but we DO have that in Is 66:23 for the Sabbath.
5. There is not ONE text in the NT or OT saying "
the Son of man is LORD of week day 1" but we DO have that in the NT for the Sabbath in
Mark 2:28.
6. There is not ONE text in the NT saying "
there REMAINS therefore a week-day 1 rest for the people of God" but we DO have that for Sabbath in Heb 4.
7. There is not ONE text in NT or OT saying
"remember week-day-1 to keep it holy" but we DO have that in Ex 20:8 for the Sabbath.
8. There is NOT ONE text in NT or OT saying it is ok by God if we bend/edit/break/ignore one of the TEN Commandments - but we DO have condemnation for doing such a thing in the NT -- by the Words of Christ Himself!
Mark 7:6-13
Mark 7
7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me,
teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men.
8 For laying aside
the Commandment of God, ye hold the
tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the
commandment of God, that ye may
keep your own tradition.
10 For
Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:
But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.
12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;
13 Making the
Word of God of none effect through
your tradition, which ye have delivered:
and many such like things do ye.
That is a case of Christ demonstrating the way that the magisterium is hammered
"sola scriptura" in the cases where it's traditions and "doctrines of men" are at odds with scripture.
BobRyan -
I read through a few of your replies. I am not certain you understand what, in the main, I was trying to communicate. I think you have tried to deconstruct a teaching on the principle of Sola Scriptura, but I am not getting the impression that you understand that principle. In other words, the OP doesn't properly apply it or use it to address the teaching.
The OP evaluates the proposition DHK made - "sola scriptura" -- your response so far is "asbsent all scriptura" - and this can be seen in your own text so far.
By contrast - case by case is evaluated for the subject of BIBLE statements regarding
1. Keeping some day of the week holy
2. A day of the week that God calls "My Holy Day"
3. A day of the week that God says will be kept by all mankind - after the cross - for all eternity
4. A day of the week where Christ says HE is "LORD" of it - specifically.
5. A day of the week that we are "commanded to keep" Holy
6. The subject of tweaking/editing/setting-aside one of the Commandments of God for the sake of church tradition.
Also, you used the reasoning my initial reply addressed when I asked if you held to the doctrine of the Trinity. You had said that the phrase "Christian Sabbath" does not appear in the Bible. Neither does the word Trinity.
Not an exegetical example of anything in that case.
There is no case in OT or NT where the term "Sabbath" regarding a weekly day of rest, is not applied to the 7th day of the week. And we all know it. No such thing as "weekly Sabbath -- and by that term this particular text means week day 1, or 3 or 5" -- and we all know it.
The comparison is not to "trinity" where we can see it in Matt 28.
Try this comparison between one claim that "Christ" was "God on earth" (A term not found in the Bible but we can find texts to show it in any case) and the idea that "PETER was God on Earth" -- using the same term not found in the Bible but applying it to Peter.
Yet even that example fails since SABBATH IS a term found in the Bible - and Sabbath applied to the 7th day - IS a teaching we DO find in the Bible.
Now for your two specific examples -- your claims are:
1. Example 1 - NT shows WEEKLY week-day-1 after week-day-1 and even EVERY week-day-1 worship services taking place. (Even if there is no actual command to do it).
The practice of Christians gathering, worshiping, et. on the first day of the week is well established in the NT.
I assume you mean "the WEEKLY practice of Christians gathering for worship weekly, in week-day-1 after week-day-1 and also EVERY week-day-1, is well established in the NT"-- correct?
2. Example 2. The NT Text actually says that week-day-1 is the LORD's Day.
John calls it the Lord's Day in the Revelation.
I assume you mean "In Revelation chapter 1 John says that week-day-1 is the LORD's Day" -- correct?
Both of those claims were illustrated in the OP - showing what we have in real-life in the actual Bible on those two points. But I will add that week-day-1 is not mentioned at all in Revelation chapter 1. There is only one place where "The LORD's Day" is specifically mentioned and that is Rev 1 - and it says nothing like "The seventh day is the Sabbath" -- or "week day 1 is the Sabbath" or "Week day 1 is the LORD's day" in that chapter -- as we all know.
The Sabbath itself is a creation ordinance. I suppose if the Sabbath can be done away with, so can marriage!
Ok so there is that one point where we do agree --- I think.